Trait luya\traits\CacheableTrait

Implemented byluya\admin\Bootstrap, luya\admin\apis\CommonController, luya\admin\apis\StorageController, luya\admin\apis\TimestampController, luya\admin\commands\ProxyController, luya\admin\components\AdminLanguage, luya\admin\filesystem\DummyFileSystem, luya\admin\filesystem\LocalFileSystem, luya\admin\ngrest\base\actions\IndexAction, luya\admin\proxy\ClientTransfer, luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage, luya\cms\Menu, luya\cms\Website, luya\cms\models\NavItemPage, luya\cms\models\NavItemPageBlockItem, luya\cms\widgets\NavTree, luya\testsuite\components\DummyFileSystem, luya\testsuite\components\DummyMenu, luya\web\Svg, luya\web\filters\ResponseCache
Available since version1.0.0
Source Code

Cacheable trait allows caching whether application has caching enabled or not.

implementation example:

$cacheKey = 'foobar';

$cache = $this->getHasCache($cacheKey);

if ($cache === false) {

    // execute code and save cache data into variable
    $cache = "Hello World";

    $this->setHasCache($cacheKey, $cache); // variable $cache has been changed from above

return $cache;

An example for a simple cache query dependency

$this->setHasCache('myCacheKey', $data, new DbDependency(['sql' => 'SELECT MAX(id) FROM admin_storage_folder WHERE is_deleted=0']), 0);

You can also use an array notation in order to generate cache dependency:

$dependency = [
    'class' => 'yii\caching\DbDependency',
    'sql' => 'SELECT max(timestamp) FROM table WHERE id=:id',
    'params' => [':id' => Yii::$app->request->get('id')],

$this->setHasCache(['my', 'key'], $data, $dependency);

Public Methods

Hide inherited methods

Method Description Defined By
deleteHasCache() Remove a value from the cache if caching is enabled. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
flushHasCache() Deletes all values from cache. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
getHasCache() Get the caching data if caching is allowed and there is any data stored for this key. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
getOrSetHasCache() Method combines both setHasCache() and getHasCache() methods to retrieve value identified by a $key, or to store the result of $closure execution if there is no cache available for the $key. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
isCachable() Check if the current configuration of the application and the property allows a caching of the language container data. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
setHasCache() Store cache data for a specific key if caching is enabled in this application. luya\traits\CacheableTrait

Method Details

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deleteHasCache() public method

Remove a value from the cache if caching is enabled.

public boolean deleteHasCache ( $key )
$key string|array

The cache identifier

return boolean

Whether delete of key has been success or not

                public function deleteHasCache($key)
    if ($this->isCachable()) {
        return Yii::$app->cache->delete($key);
    return false;

flushHasCache() public method

Deletes all values from cache.

public boolean flushHasCache ( )
return boolean

Whether the flush operation was successful.

                public function flushHasCache()
    if ($this->isCachable()) {
        return Yii::$app->cache->flush();
    return false;

getHasCache() public method

Get the caching data if caching is allowed and there is any data stored for this key.

public mixed|boolean getHasCache ( $key )
$key string|array

The identifiere key, can be a string or an array which will be calculated.

return mixed|boolean

Returns the data, if not found returns false.

                public function getHasCache($key)
    if ($this->isCachable()) {
        $data = Yii::$app->cache->get($key);
        $enumKey = (is_array($key)) ? implode(",", $key) : $key;
        if ($data) {
            Yii::debug("Cacheable trait key '$enumKey' successfully loaded from cache.", __METHOD__);
            return $data;
        Yii::debug("Cacheable trait key '$enumKey' has not been found in cache.", __METHOD__);

    return false;

getOrSetHasCache() public method

Method combines both setHasCache() and getHasCache() methods to retrieve value identified by a $key, or to store the result of $closure execution if there is no cache available for the $key.

Usage example:

use CacheableTrait;

public function getTopProducts($count = 10)
    return $this->getOrSetHasCache(['top-n-products', 'n' => $count], function ($cache) use ($count) {
        return Products::find()->mostPopular()->limit(10)->all();
    }, 1000);
public mixed getOrSetHasCache ( $key, Closure $closure, $duration null, $dependency null )
$key mixed

A key identifying the value to be cached. This can be a simple string or a complex data structure consisting of factors representing the key.

$closure Closure

The closure that will be used to generate a value to be cached. In case $closure returns false, the value will not be cached.

$duration integer

Default duration in seconds before the cache will expire. If not set, defaultDuration value will be used. 0 means never expire.

$dependency yii\caching\Dependency

Dependency of the cached item. If the dependency changes, the corresponding value in the cache will be invalidated when it is fetched via get(). This parameter is ignored if serializer is false.

return mixed

Result of $closure execution

                public function getOrSetHasCache($key, \Closure $closure, $duration = null, $dependency = null)
    if (($value = $this->getHasCache($key)) !== false) {
        return $value;
    $value = call_user_func($closure, $this);
    $this->setHasCache($key, $value, $dependency, $duration);
    return $value;

isCachable() public method

Check if the current configuration of the application and the property allows a caching of the language container data.

public boolean isCachable ( )

                public function isCachable()
    if ($this->_cachable === null) {
        $this->_cachable = Yii::$app->has('cache') ? true : false;

    return $this->_cachable;

setHasCache() public method

Store cache data for a specific key if caching is enabled in this application.

public boolean setHasCache ( $key, $value, $dependency null, $cacheExpiration null )
$key string|array

The identifier key or a array to store complex keys

$value mixed

The value to store in the cache component.

$dependency yii\caching\Dependency|array

Dependency of the cached item. If the dependency changes, the corresponding value in the cache will be invalidated when it is fetched via get(). This parameter is ignored if $serializer is false. You can also define an array with defintion which will generate the Object instead of object is provided.


Integer The time in seconds before the cache data expires, 0 means never expire.

return boolean

Whether set has been success or not

                public function setHasCache($key, $value, $dependency = null, $cacheExpiration = null)
    if ($this->isCachable()) {
        if (is_array($dependency)) {
            $dependency = Yii::createObject($dependency);
        return Yii::$app->cache->set($key, $value, is_null($cacheExpiration) ? $this->_cacheExpiration : $cacheExpiration, $dependency);
    return false;