Yii |
Yii is a helper class serving common framework functionalities. |
YiiRequirementChecker |
YiiRequirementChecker allows checking, if current system meets the requirements for running the Yii application. |
luya\Boot |
Boot LUYA Application. |
luya\Config |
Configuration array Helper. |
luya\ConfigDefinition |
Contains the defintion of a config element. |
luya\Exception |
LUYA base exception. |
luya\Hook |
Simple Hooking mechanism. |
luya\TagParser |
TagParser allows you to inject Tags and parse them. |
luya\admin\Bootstrap |
Admin Bootstrap |
luya\admin\Module |
Admin Module. |
luya\admin\apis\ApiUserController |
User API, provides ability to manager and list all administration users. |
luya\admin\apis\CommonController |
Common Admin API Tasks. |
luya\admin\apis\ConfigController |
Config Controller. |
luya\admin\apis\EffectController |
Effects API, provides all available system effects. |
luya\admin\apis\FilterController |
Filters API, provides all available system filters. |
luya\admin\apis\GroupController |
API to manage, create, udpate and delete all System Groups. |
luya\admin\apis\LangController |
Language API, to manage, create, update and delte all system languages. |
luya\admin\apis\LoggerController |
Logger Api to list the logger model data. |
luya\admin\apis\MenuController |
Admin Menu API, provides all menu items and dashabord informations for a node or the entire system. |
luya\admin\apis\NgrestLogController |
Ngrest Log Controller. |
luya\admin\apis\PropertyController |
Property Controller. |
luya\admin\apis\ProxyBuildController |
Proxy Build Controller. |
luya\admin\apis\ProxyController |
Proxy API. |
luya\admin\apis\ProxyMachineController |
Proxy Machine Controller. |
luya\admin\apis\QueueLogController |
Queue Log Controller. |
luya\admin\apis\QueueLogErrorController |
Queue Log Error Controller. |
luya\admin\apis\RemoteController |
Remote API, allows to collect system data with a valid $token. |
luya\admin\apis\SearchController |
Search API, allows you to perform search querys for the entire administration including all items provided in the auth section. |
luya\admin\apis\StorageController |
Filemanager and Storage API. |
luya\admin\apis\StorageImageController |
Storage Image Controller. |
luya\admin\apis\TagController |
Tags API, provides ability to add, manage or collect all system tags. |
luya\admin\apis\TimestampController |
Timestamp API, refreshes the UserOnline system of the administration area. |
luya\admin\apis\UserController |
User API, provides ability to manager and list all administration users. |
luya\admin\assets\AngularI18n |
AngularI18n Asset includes the angular locale file current language. |
luya\admin\assets\Jquery |
Jquery Asset based on the yii\web\JqueryAsset. |
luya\admin\assets\Login |
Login Asset contains all required files for the administration login screen. |
luya\admin\assets\Main |
Main Asset contains all administration area depending files and should be a dependency for all other assets. |
luya\admin\aws\ApiOverviewActiveWindow |
Api Overview Active Window. |
luya\admin\aws\ApiRequestInsightActiveWindow |
luya\admin\aws\ChangePasswordActiveWindow |
Change Passwort Active Window. |
luya\admin\aws\ChangePasswordInterface |
Change Password Active Window Interface. |
luya\admin\aws\CoordinatesActiveWindow |
Coordinates Collector. |
luya\admin\aws\DeleteTagsActiveWindow |
Delete Tags Active Window. |
luya\admin\aws\DetailViewActiveWindow |
Display details from ActiveRecord. |
luya\admin\aws\FlowActiveWindow |
Flow Uploader ActiveWindow enables multi image upload with chunck ability. |
luya\admin\aws\FlowActiveWindowInterface |
This interface must be implement by the model class provided in the FlowActiveWindow modelClass property. |
luya\admin\aws\FlowActiveWindowTrait |
Helper Trait to enable FlowActiveWindowInterface functions by define the relation table informations. |
luya\admin\aws\GroupAuthActiveWindow |
Active Window to set permissions for a specific Group, used in groups ngrest model. |
luya\admin\aws\ImageSelectCollectionActiveWindow |
Create an Active Window where you can select Images and store them into a Ref Table. |
luya\admin\aws\StorageFilterImagesActiveWindow |
Storage Effect Active Window. |
luya\admin\aws\TaggableActiveWindow |
Create an Active Window where you can assign tags to a row of the underlying table via a ref table. |
luya\admin\aws\UserHistorySummaryActiveWindow |
User History Summary Active Window. |
luya\admin\base\BaseCrudController |
Base Crud Controller |
luya\admin\base\CheckboxArrayProperty |
Checkbox Array Property. |
luya\admin\base\CheckboxProperty |
Checkbox Base Property. |
luya\admin\base\Controller |
Base controller for all Admin-Module controllers. |
luya\admin\base\DashboardObjectInterface |
Dashboard Interface which all Dashboard Objects needs to implement. |
luya\admin\base\Filter |
Base class for all storage component filters. |
luya\admin\base\FilterInterface |
Filter Interface |
luya\admin\base\GenericSearchInterface |
Generic Search Interface. |
luya\admin\base\ImageProperty |
Base Image Property. |
luya\admin\base\JwtIdentityInterface |
The interface which integrates JWT authentification against users. |
luya\admin\base\Module |
The base Admin Module for all administration modules. |
luya\admin\base\Property |
Abstract Page Property Class. |
luya\admin\base\RadioProperty |
Radio Select Property. |
luya\admin\base\ReloadButton |
Reload Button Object. |
luya\admin\base\RestActiveController |
Base class for Rest Active Controllers. |
luya\admin\base\RestController |
Base class for RestControllers. |
luya\admin\base\TypesInterface |
TypesInterface represents all possible types for properties or blocks. |
luya\admin\behaviors\BlameableBehavior |
Admin User Component Blameable Behavior. |
luya\admin\behaviors\LogBehavior |
LogBehavior stores informations when active records are updated, inserted or deleted. |
luya\admin\behaviors\QueueLogBehavior |
Log Behavior. |
luya\admin\behaviors\UserRequestBehavior |
Measure the API request time for a given user if enabled. |
luya\admin\buttons\DuplicateActiveButton |
Adds a duplicate row button to the CRUD. |
luya\admin\buttons\TimestampActiveButton |
Set a timestamp for a given attribute. |
luya\admin\buttons\ToggleStatusActiveButton |
Set a boolean for a given attribute. |
luya\admin\commands\ActiveWindowController |
Command to create ActiveWindow classes. |
luya\admin\commands\CrudController |
Console command to create a NgRest CRUD with Controller, API and Model based on a SQL table. |
luya\admin\commands\FilterController |
Create Storage Filters |
luya\admin\commands\LogController |
LUYA Admin Logdata cleanup command. |
luya\admin\commands\ProxyController |
Synchronise a PROD env to your locale env with files and images. |
luya\admin\commands\QueueController |
Run jobs inside the Queue. |
luya\admin\commands\SetupController |
Setup the Administration Interface. |
luya\admin\commands\StorageController |
LUYA Admin Storage command. |
luya\admin\commands\TagController |
Tags Controller. |
luya\admin\components\AdminLanguage |
Admin Language Component. |
luya\admin\components\AdminMenu |
Admin Menu Data. |
luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder |
Builder class for the Administration Menu/Navigation. |
luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilderInterface |
Interface of the AdminMenuBuilder class. |
luya\admin\components\AdminUser |
AdminUser Component. |
luya\admin\components\Auth |
Auth components gives informations about permissions, who can do what. |
luya\admin\components\Jwt |
The Jwt component. |
luya\admin\components\UrlRule |
Url rule for NgRest Apis. |
luya\admin\controllers\AccountController |
Account Controller contains User Profile Views. |
luya\admin\controllers\ApiUserController |
NgRest User Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\ConfigController |
Config Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\DefaultController |
Administration Controller provides, dashboard, logout and index. |
luya\admin\controllers\EffectController |
NgRest Effect Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\FileController |
File Download Controller |
luya\admin\controllers\FilterController |
NgRest Filter Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\GroupController |
NgRest Group Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\LangController |
NgRest Language Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\LoggerController |
NgRest Logger Controller |
luya\admin\controllers\LoginController |
Login Controller contains async actions, async token send action and login mechanism. |
luya\admin\controllers\NgrestLogController |
Ngrest Log Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\PropertyController |
Property Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\ProxyBuildController |
Proxy Build Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\ProxyMachineController |
Proxy Machine Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\QueueLogController |
Queue Log Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\QueueLogErrorController |
Queue Log Error Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\StorageController |
StorageController renders the Filemanager Template. |
luya\admin\controllers\StorageImageController |
Storage Image Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\TagController |
NgRest Tag Controller. |
luya\admin\controllers\TemplateController |
TemplateController renders angular templates. |
luya\admin\controllers\UptimeController |
Uptime Tests |
luya\admin\controllers\UserController |
NgRest User Controller. |
luya\admin\dashboard\BaseDashboardObject |
Base Implementation of an Dashboard Object. |
luya\admin\dashboard\BasicDashboardObject |
Fast generated Dashboard Objects. |
luya\admin\dashboard\ChartDashboardObject |
ECharts library dashboard object. |
luya\admin\dashboard\ListDashboardObject |
LIst Dashboard Object. |
luya\admin\dashboard\TableDashboardObject |
Table Dashboard Object. |
luya\admin\events\FileDownloadEvent |
File Download Event. |
luya\admin\events\FileEvent |
luya\admin\events\UserAccessTokenLoginEvent |
Login by access token event |
luya\admin\file\Item |
Storage File Item. |
luya\admin\file\Iterator |
Iterator class for file items. |
luya\admin\file\Query |
Storage Files Querying. |
luya\admin\filesystem\DummyFileSystem |
Dummy File System for Testing. |
luya\admin\filesystem\LocalFileSystem |
Local File System uses the storage folder inside @webroot. |
luya\admin\filters\LargeCrop |
Admin Module default Filter: Large Crop (800x800) |
luya\admin\filters\LargeThumbnail |
Admin Module default Filter: Large Thumbanil (800xnull) |
luya\admin\filters\MediumCrop |
Admin Module default Filter: Medium Crop (300x300) |
luya\admin\filters\MediumThumbnail |
Admin Module default Filter: Medium Thumbnail (300xnull) |
luya\admin\filters\SmallCrop |
Admin Module default Filter: Small Crop (100x100) |
luya\admin\filters\SmallLandscape |
Admin Module default Filter: Small Landscape (150x50) |
luya\admin\filters\SmallThumbnail |
Admin Module default Filter: Small Thumbail (100xnull) |
luya\admin\filters\TinyCrop |
Admin Module default Filter: Tiny Crop (40x40) |
luya\admin\filters\TinyThumbnail |
Admin Module default Filter: Tiny Thumbnail (40xnull) |
luya\admin\folder\Item |
Storage Folder Item. |
luya\admin\folder\Iterator |
Iterator class for file items. |
luya\admin\folder\Query |
Storage Folders Querying. |
luya\admin\helpers\Angular |
Helper Method to create angular tags. |
luya\admin\helpers\AngularObject |
Angular Object from the Angular Helper methods. |
luya\admin\helpers\I18n |
I18n Encode/Decode helper method |
luya\admin\helpers\Storage |
Helper class to handle remove, upload and moving of storage files. |
luya\admin\image\Item |
Image Item Detail Object. |
luya\admin\image\Iterator |
Iterator class for file items. |
luya\admin\image\Query |
Storage Images Querying. |
luya\admin\importers\AuthImporter |
Import Auth Apis and Routes. |
luya\admin\importers\FilterImporter |
Import Storage Filters. |
luya\admin\importers\PropertyImporter |
Import Properties. |
luya\admin\jobs\ImageFilterJob |
Process certain filters for an image/file. |
luya\admin\jobs\ScheduleJob |
The Scheduler Job |
luya\admin\models\ApiUser |
User Model represents all Administration Users. |
luya\admin\models\Auth |
This is the model class for table "admin_auth". |
luya\admin\models\Config |
Admin Config Model. |
luya\admin\models\Group |
User Groups |
luya\admin\models\GroupAuth |
Group Auth Relation |
luya\admin\models\Lang |
Language Model for Frontend/Admin. |
luya\admin\models\Logger |
Application Logger. |
luya\admin\models\LoginForm |
Admin User Login Form Model. |
luya\admin\models\NgrestLog |
Ngrest Log. |
luya\admin\models\Property |
Admin Property |
luya\admin\models\ProxyBuild |
This is the model class for table "admin_proxy_build". |
luya\admin\models\ProxyMachine |
Proxy Machine. |
luya\admin\models\QueueLog |
Queue Log. |
luya\admin\models\QueueLogError |
Queue Log Error. |
luya\admin\models\ResetPasswordChangeForm |
luya\admin\models\ResetPasswordForm |
luya\admin\models\Scheduler |
This is the model class for table "admin_scheduler". |
luya\admin\models\SearchData |
This is the model class for table "admin_search_data". |
luya\admin\models\StorageEffect |
This is the model class for table "admin_storage_effect". |
luya\admin\models\StorageFile |
This is the model class for table "admin_storage_file". |
luya\admin\models\StorageFilter |
This is the model class for table "admin_storage_filter". |
luya\admin\models\StorageFilterChain |
Contains all information about filter effects for a single Chain element (like: thumbnail, 200x200). |
luya\admin\models\StorageFolder |
Storage Folder Model. |
luya\admin\models\StorageImage |
Storage Image. |
luya\admin\models\Tag |
This is the model class for table "admin_tag". |
luya\admin\models\TagRelation |
Tags in realtion to another Table. |
luya\admin\models\User |
User Model represents all Administration Users. |
luya\admin\models\UserAuthNotification |
User Notifications by Auth Item |
luya\admin\models\UserChangePassword |
User change Password model. |
luya\admin\models\UserDevice |
This is the model class for table "{{%admin_user_device}}". |
luya\admin\models\UserGroup |
User Group Relation |
luya\admin\models\UserLogin |
This is the model class for table "admin_user_login". |
luya\admin\models\UserLoginLockout |
This is the model class for table "{{%admin_user_login_lockout}}". |
luya\admin\models\UserOnline |
This is the model class for table "admin_user_online". |
luya\admin\models\UserRequest |
User Request. |
luya\admin\models\UserSetting |
Store and read user settings. |
luya\admin\ngrest\Config |
Defines and holds an NgRest Config. |
luya\admin\ngrest\ConfigBuilder |
Config Builder class to make the NgRest Configs |
luya\admin\ngrest\ConfigBuilderInterface |
Ngrest Config Builder Interface |
luya\admin\ngrest\ConfigInterface |
NgRest Config Interface |
luya\admin\ngrest\NgRest |
NgRest Base Object |
luya\admin\ngrest\NgRestButtonConditionInterface |
Ngrest Button Condition Interface |
luya\admin\ngrest\NgRestPermissionLevelInterface |
Ngrest Button Permission Condition Interface |
luya\admin\ngrest\aw\ActiveWindowFormField |
ActiveWindow ActiveField Configration |
luya\admin\ngrest\aw\ActiveWindowFormWidget |
ActiveWindow Callback Form Widget. |
luya\admin\ngrest\aw\CallbackButtonFileDownloadWidget |
Callback Button which generates a file in the callback and displays the download button. |
luya\admin\ngrest\aw\CallbackButtonWidget |
Generate a button connected to a callback action. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveButton |
Active Button Base Class. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveSelection |
Active Selection Actions |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveWindow |
Base class for all ActiveWindow classes. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveWindowInterface |
Active Window Interface. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveWindowView |
Active Window View. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api |
The RestActiveController for all NgRest implementations. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\BaseActiveResponse |
Base Response for Active Window, Button and Selection. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\Controller |
Base Controller for all NgRest Controllers. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestActiveQuery |
NgRest Active Query. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestEventBehavior |
NgRest Event Behavior. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel |
NgRest Model. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModelInterface |
Interface For NgRest Model. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestRelation |
NgRest Relation definition. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestRelationInterface |
NgRest Relation Interface. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\Plugin |
Base class for NgRest Plugins. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\Render |
NgRest base rendere which is used in all ngrest render classes. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\actions\CreateAction |
Create |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\actions\DeleteAction |
Delete |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\actions\IndexAction |
List |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\actions\OptionsAction |
Options CORS |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\actions\TruncateAction |
Truncate Table |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\actions\UpdateAction |
Update |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\actions\ViewAction |
View |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Angular |
Render Angular Templates. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Badge |
Badge with colors for certain values. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\CheckboxList |
Create a checkbox list with selection based on an array with key value pairing. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\CheckboxRelation |
Checkbox Selector via relation table. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\CheckboxRelationActiveQuery |
Checkbox relation based on an Active Query. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\CmsPage |
Create ability to select a CMS page. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Color |
Color Wheel Plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Date |
Data input field |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Datetime |
Date and Time input field |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Decimal |
Decimal Input-Form field. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\File |
Type File Upload. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\FileArray |
Type Multiple Files Upload. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Hidden |
Hidden Field Plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Html |
Renders HTML in List View. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Image |
Type Image Upload. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\ImageArray |
Type Multiple Image Upload. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Index |
Generate a Sequential Number for each Row. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Injector |
Create a dynamic form input based on Angular Directives. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\JsonObject |
Generate a Key Value Object. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Link |
Internal or External Link Plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\MultipleInputs |
Multiple Input Types |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Number |
Create a HTML5 number-tag. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Password |
Create a password input for a given field. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Raw |
Renders RAW input |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Select |
Base class for select dropdowns via Array or Model. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\SelectArray |
Create a selection based on an assoc array provided via $data attribute. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\SelectArrayGently |
Nondestructive analogue of SelectArray plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\SelectAsyncApi |
Select Dropdown from an API |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\SelectModel |
DropDown Select |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\SelectRelationActiveQuery |
Performance optimised select relation plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Slug |
Create a slugable input field. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\SortRelation |
Sort Relation Plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\SortRelationArray |
Sort Relation Array Plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\SortRelationModel |
Sort Relation Model Plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Sortable |
Sortable Plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Text |
Create a text input select for a given field. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\TextArray |
Create a list element with self adding text inputs and responses as array. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Textarea |
Create a textarea input for a given field. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\ToggleStatus |
Create toggle checkbox for a given field. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Url |
URL Plugin. |
luya\admin\ngrest\plugins\Wysiwyg |
Create a WYSIWYG input for a given field. |
luya\admin\ngrest\render\RenderActiveWindow |
Render the index view of an Active Window. |
luya\admin\ngrest\render\RenderActiveWindowCallback |
Render an Active Window Callback call. |
luya\admin\ngrest\render\RenderCrud |
Render the Crud view. |
luya\admin\ngrest\render\RenderCrudInterface |
Interface for CRUD renderers. |
luya\admin\ngrest\render\RenderCrudView |
The View renderer for RenderCrud class. |
luya\admin\ngrest\render\RenderInterface |
NgRest Render Interface. |
luya\admin\ngrest\validators\StorageUploadValidator |
NgRest Model Storage Upload Validator. |
luya\admin\openapi\ActionRouteParser |
Generate a path for a absolute route to an action. |
luya\admin\openapi\BasePathParser |
Base Class to convert Data into Paths. |
luya\admin\openapi\Generator |
Generate Path Objects from UrlManager and ControllerMap. |
luya\admin\openapi\OpenApiGenerator |
Generate the OpenApi Instance. |
luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser |
Generate a Path for a $rules array containg UrlRule objects. |
luya\admin\openapi\events\PathParametersEvent |
Path Paramters Event |
luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocMethod |
Php DOc Method |
luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocParam |
Php Doc Param Object. |
luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocParser |
Create Parser Object from reflection class to read PhpDocs. |
luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocReflection |
PHP Doc Reflection object. |
luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocReturn |
Return Object from PhpDoc. |
luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocType |
A Type Object whether for Return or Param. |
luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocUses |
Uses PhpDoc Annotation Parser |
luya\admin\openapi\specs\ActiveRecordToSchema |
Generate Schema Specs from Active Record. |
luya\admin\openapi\specs\BaseSpecs |
Generate Specs Details. |
luya\admin\openapi\specs\ControllerActionSpecs |
Specs from an Action. |
luya\admin\openapi\specs\ControllerSpecs |
Specs of a Controller. |
luya\admin\openapi\specs\SpecInterface |
Each Spec Requires. |
luya\admin\proxy\ClientBuild |
Admin Proxy Build. |
luya\admin\proxy\ClientTable |
Prepare Client Tables |
luya\admin\proxy\ClientTransfer |
Client Transfer Process |
luya\admin\selections\DeleteActiveSelection |
Delete Active Selection |
luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage |
Storage Container for reading, saving and holding files. |
luya\admin\storage\ItemAbstract |
Base class for file, image and folder Items. |
luya\admin\storage\IteratorAbstract |
Iterator class for file items. |
luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait |
Query Data from Files, Filters and Images. |
luya\admin\tags\FileTag |
File Tag. |
luya\admin\traits\AdminRestBehaviorTrait |
A trait for LUYA admin rest behaviors. |
luya\admin\traits\LazyDataLoadTrait |
Trait to enable lazy load for NgRest plugins. |
luya\admin\traits\SoftDeleteTrait |
Trait to enable Soft Deletion for NgRest and ActiveRecord models. |
luya\admin\traits\SortableTrait |
Sortable Trait provides orderBy clause and re-index when update, delete or create rows. |
luya\admin\traits\TaggableTrait |
Tag Trait. |
luya\admin\validators\I18nRequiredValidator |
Validate Required i18n Attributes. |
luya\admin\validators\StorageUploadValidator |
Storage Upload Validator. |
luya\base\AdminModuleInterface |
Defines a module as Admin Module. |
luya\base\BaseBootstrap |
Base class for luya bootsrapping proccess. |
luya\base\Boot |
LUYA Boot wrapper. |
luya\base\CoreModuleInterface |
Defines a module as Core Module. |
luya\base\DynamicModel |
DynamicModel extends from yii\base\Dynamic Model. |
luya\base\HookEvent |
HookEvent Object. |
luya\base\Module |
LUYA Module base class. |
luya\base\ModuleReflection |
Run any route inside the provided module. |
luya\base\PackageConfig |
Represents a package config item from the PackageInstaller. |
luya\base\PackageInstaller |
Represents the extracted data from the LUYA composer plugin installer.php file inside the vendor. |
luya\base\Widget |
Base Widget class using the application directory for view files. |
luya\behaviors\HtmlEncodeBehavior |
Auto Encodes value after find. |
luya\behaviors\JsonBehavior |
Json Behavior. |
luya\behaviors\TimestampBehavior |
Timestamp Behavior. |
luya\cms\Exception |
Exception wrapper for yii\base\Exception, represents a generic exception for all purposes. |
luya\cms\LinkConverter |
Convert a given config into a {{luya\web\LinkInterface}} Object. |
luya\cms\Menu |
Menu container component by language. |
luya\cms\Website |
Class Website |
luya\cms\admin\Module |
CMS Admin Module. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\AdminController |
Admin Api delievers common api tasks like blocks and layouts. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\BlockController |
Block Api delivers all availables CMS Blocks. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\BlockgroupController |
Blockgroup Api provides BlockGroup Data. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\LayoutController |
Layout Api provides CMS Layout Data. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\LogController |
Log Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\MenuController |
Menu Api provides commont tasks to retrieve cmsadmin menu data and cms group permissions setting tasks. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\NavContainerController |
NavContainer api provides cms_nav_container data. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\NavController |
Nav Api provides tasks to create, modify and delete navigation items and properties of items. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\NavItemBlockController |
NavItemBlock Api provides the block copy from stack action. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\NavItemController |
NavItem Api is cached response method to load data and perform changes of cms nav item. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\NavItemPageBlockItemController |
NavItemPageBLockItem api represents the cms_nav_item_page_block_item table api. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\NavItemPageController |
NavItemPageItem api represents the cms_nav_item_page table api. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\RedirectController |
Redirect Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\ThemeController |
Theme for LUYA CMS. |
luya\cms\admin\apis\WebsiteController |
Theme for LUYA CMS. |
luya\cms\admin\assets\Main |
CMS Main Asset Bundle. |
luya\cms\admin\aws\BlockPagesActiveWindow |
Block Pages Active Window. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\BlockController |
Block Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\BlockgroupController |
Block Group Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\ConfigController |
Config Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\DefaultController |
Default Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\LayoutController |
Layout Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\LogController |
Log Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\NavcontainerController |
Navigation Container Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\PageController |
Page Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\PermissionController |
Permission Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\RedirectController |
Redirect Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\ThemeController |
Theme for LUYA CMS. |
luya\cms\admin\controllers\WebsiteController |
Website Container Controller. |
luya\cms\admin\helpers\MenuHelper |
Menu Helper to collect Data used in Administration areas. |
luya\cms\admin\importers\BlockImporter |
CMS Blocks Importer. |
luya\cms\admin\importers\CmslayoutImporter |
CMS Layouts Importer. |
luya\cms\admin\importers\PropertyConsistencyImporter |
Property Consistency Check Importer. |
luya\cms\admin\importers\ThemeImporter |
Class ThemeImporter
Import theme.json files from the folder and analyse config. |
luya\cms\base\BaseBlockInjector |
The base injector class for all Injectors. |
luya\cms\base\BlockCfg |
Block CFG variables ensurence. |
luya\cms\base\BlockConfigElement |
Config Element abstraction. |
luya\cms\base\BlockGroup |
Base class for all Block Groups. |
luya\cms\base\BlockInterface |
Interface for all Blocks. |
luya\cms\base\BlockVar |
Block VAR variables ensurence. |
luya\cms\base\BlockVariationRegister |
Generate Block Flavor Variations. |
luya\cms\base\InternalBaseBlock |
Concret Block implementation based on BlockInterface. |
luya\cms\base\NavItemType |
Abstract class for all Item Types. |
luya\cms\base\NavItemTypeInterface |
Navigation Model Type Interface. |
luya\cms\base\PhpBlock |
Represents a CMS block with PHP views. |
luya\cms\base\PhpBlockInterface |
PHP Cms Block interface |
luya\cms\base\PhpBlockView |
View context helper of php block view file. |
luya\cms\behaviours\WebsiteScopeBehavior |
luya\cms\frontend\Bootstrap |
CMS Bootstrap. |
luya\cms\frontend\Module |
Cms Module. |
luya\cms\frontend\base\Controller |
Abstract Controller for CMS Controllers. |
luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\DevelopmentGroup |
Development Block Group. |
luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\LayoutGroup |
Layout Block Group. |
luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\MainGroup |
Main Block Group. |
luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\MediaGroup |
Media Block Group. |
luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\ProjectGroup |
Project Block Group. |
luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\TextGroup |
Text Block Group. |
luya\cms\frontend\blocks\HtmlBlock |
HTML Block |
luya\cms\frontend\blocks\MirrorLanguageBlock |
Mirror Language Content. |
luya\cms\frontend\blocks\ModuleBlock |
Module integration Block to render controller and/or actions. |
luya\cms\frontend\commands\BlockController |
Block console commands. |
luya\cms\frontend\commands\PageController |
Page command cms interaction. |
luya\cms\frontend\commands\UpdaterController |
This controller is part of the beta6 release and adds the version ability database migrations. |
luya\cms\frontend\components\CatchAllUrlRule |
Catch rule for UrlManager. |
luya\cms\frontend\components\RouteBehaviorUrlRule |
Routing Rule for UrlManager. |
luya\cms\frontend\components\WebsiteBehaviorUrlRule |
Host routing rule for websites. |
luya\cms\frontend\controllers\BlockController |
CMS Ajax-Block Controller Response. |
luya\cms\frontend\controllers\DefaultController |
CMS Default Rendering |
luya\cms\frontend\controllers\ErrorController |
CMS Error Handler Rendering |
luya\cms\frontend\controllers\PreviewController |
CMS Preview Rendering |
luya\cms\frontend\events\BeforeRenderEvent |
Before Render Event. |
luya\cms\frontend\events\MenuItemEvent |
Event after a menu item is loaded and ready. |
luya\cms\helpers\BlockHelper |
Helper methods for CMS Blocks. |
luya\cms\helpers\Url |
CMS Url Helper class extends luya\helpers\Url by CMS routing methods. |
luya\cms\injectors\ActiveQueryCheckboxInjector |
Checkboxes from an ActiveQuery. |
luya\cms\injectors\ActiveQueryRadioInjector |
Radio List from an ActiveQuery. |
luya\cms\injectors\ActiveQuerySelectInjector |
Select List from an ActiveQuery. |
luya\cms\injectors\BaseActiveQueryInjector |
Base class for ActiveQuery Injectors. |
luya\cms\injectors\LinkInjector |
Link Injector to generate links. |
luya\cms\injectors\TagInjector |
Tag Injector generates Checkbox with Admin-Tags. |
luya\cms\menu\InjectItem |
An item inject gives a module the possibility to add items into the menu Container. |
luya\cms\menu\InjectItemInterface |
An Injector Item Interface. |
luya\cms\menu\Item |
Menu item Object. |
luya\cms\menu\Query |
Menu Query Builder. |
luya\cms\menu\QueryIterator |
Iterator class for menu items. |
luya\cms\menu\QueryIteratorFilter |
Iterator filter to verify valid events |
luya\cms\menu\QueryOperatorFieldInterface |
Menu Query Operator Field Interface. |
luya\cms\models\Block |
Block ActiveRecord contains the Block<->Group relation. |
luya\cms\models\BlockGroup |
Represents a group of blocks. |
luya\cms\models\Config |
This is the model class for table "cms_config". |
luya\cms\models\Layout |
Layout Model for CMS-Layouts. |
luya\cms\models\Log |
Log. |
luya\cms\models\Nav |
CMS Nav Model ActiveRecord |
luya\cms\models\NavContainer |
Navigation-Containers Model. |
luya\cms\models\NavItem |
NavItem Model represents a Item bound to Nav and Language, each Nav(Menu) can contain a nav_item for each language.Each
cms_nav_item is related to a type of item (module, page or redirect) which is stored in nav_item_type (number) and another field
nav_item_type_id (pk of the table). |
luya\cms\models\NavItemModule |
Represents the type MODULE for a NavItem. |
luya\cms\models\NavItemPage |
Represents the type PAGE for a NavItem. |
luya\cms\models\NavItemPageBlockItem |
Represents an ITEM for the type NavItemPage. |
luya\cms\models\NavItemRedirect |
Represents the type REDIRECT for a NavItem. |
luya\cms\models\NavPermission |
This is the model class for table "cms_nav_permission". |
luya\cms\models\Property |
luya\cms\models\Redirect |
Redirect. |
luya\cms\models\Theme |
Theme Model for LUYA-Theme. |
luya\cms\models\Website |
Represents the Website-Containers. |
luya\cms\tags\AliasTag |
Access Application Aliases. |
luya\cms\tags\MenuTag |
Menu links tag |
luya\cms\tags\PageTag |
Get the Content of CMS Page. |
luya\cms\widgets\LangSwitcher |
CMS Lang Switcher Widget. |
luya\cms\widgets\NavTree |
Build a Navigation from top down, based on the given item or with a specific menu query. |
luya\components\Formatter |
Formating Dates. |
luya\components\Mail |
LUYA mail component to compose messages and send them via SMTP. |
luya\console\Application |
LUYA Console/CLI Application. |
luya\console\Bootstrap |
Luya CLI Bootsrap. |
luya\console\Command |
Console Command base class. |
luya\console\Controller |
Console Controller base class. |
luya\console\ErrorHandler |
Console/CLI ErrorHandler. |
luya\console\Importer |
Base class for all Importer classes. |
luya\console\commands\BaseCrudController |
Base Crud Controller |
luya\console\commands\HealthController |
Health/Status informations about the Application itself. |
luya\console\commands\ImportController |
Import controller runs the module defined importer classes. |
luya\console\commands\MigrateController |
Database Migration Too. |
luya\console\commands\ModuleController |
Command to create a new LUYA Module. |
luya\console\commands\ThemeController |
Command to create a new LUYA theme. |
luya\console\interfaces\ImportControllerInterface |
Command ImportController Interface. |
luya\exceptions\WhitelistedException |
An exception which is Whitelisted and therefore expected. |
luya\helpers\ArrayHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with Arrays. |
luya\helpers\ExportHelper |
Exporting into Formats. |
luya\helpers\FileHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with Files. |
luya\helpers\Html |
Extend Yii Html Helper. |
luya\helpers\ImportHelper |
Import from Formats to Array. |
luya\helpers\Inflector |
Helper methods which can be used for string transformations |
luya\helpers\Json |
Json Helper. |
luya\helpers\ObjectHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with Objects. |
luya\helpers\RestHelper |
Rest API Helper. |
luya\helpers\StringHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with Strings. |
luya\helpers\Url |
Helper methods when dealing with URLs and Links. |
luya\helpers\XLSXWriter |
luya\helpers\ZipHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with ZIP Archives. |
luya\lazyload\IntersectionObserverPolyfillAsset |
The Lazyload asset files provides all required resources and implements jquery. |
luya\lazyload\LazyLoad |
Image Lazy Loader. |
luya\lazyload\LazyLoadAsset |
The Lazyload asset files provides all required resources and implements jquery. |
luya\rest\ActiveController |
Active Rest Controller. |
luya\rest\Controller |
Basic Rest Controller. |
luya\rest\UserBehaviorInterface |
REST User Behavior Interface. |
luya\tag\BaseTag |
The BaseTag for all Tags. |
luya\tag\TagInterface |
TagInterface for all LUYA Tags |
luya\tag\TagMarkdownParser |
Tag Parser Markdown. |
luya\tag\tags\LinkTag |
TagParser Link Tag. |
luya\tag\tags\MailTag |
TagParser MailTag. |
luya\tag\tags\TelTag |
TagParser Telefon Tag. |
luya\testsuite\Bootstrap |
TestSuite Bootstrap |
luya\testsuite\cases\BaseTestSuite |
Base Test Suite. |
luya\testsuite\cases\CmsBlockGroupTestCase |
Class CmsBlockGroupTestCase |
luya\testsuite\cases\CmsBlockTestCase |
Cms module block TestCase. |
luya\testsuite\cases\ConsoleApplicationTestCase |
Web Application Test Case. |
luya\testsuite\cases\NgRestModelTestCase |
A Test Case for Models. |
luya\testsuite\cases\NgRestTestCase |
NgRest Test Case. |
luya\testsuite\cases\ServerTestCase |
Webserver Test Case. |
luya\testsuite\cases\WebApplicationTestCase |
Web Application Test Case. |
luya\testsuite\commands\GenerateFixtureController |
Generate Fixtures. |
luya\testsuite\components\DummyFileSystem |
Dummy File System |
luya\testsuite\components\DummyMenu |
LUYA CMS Dummy Menu Component. |
luya\testsuite\components\DummySession |
Dummy Session handles set, remove and get based on an array. |
luya\testsuite\components\DummySessionHandler |
Dummy Session Handler implements SessionHandlerInterface. |
luya\testsuite\fixtures\ActiveRecordFixture |
Active Record Fixture. |
luya\testsuite\fixtures\NgRestModelFixture |
NgRestModelFixture. |
luya\testsuite\scopes\BaseScope |
Base Class for Scoped Actions. |
luya\testsuite\scopes\PageScope |
Create a CMS Page Scope. |
luya\testsuite\scopes\PermissionScope |
Generate a permission Scope for a Rest Call. |
luya\testsuite\traits\AdminDatabaseTableTrait |
A trait to make it easier to work with database tables and LUYA admin permission. |
luya\testsuite\traits\CmsDatabaseTableTrait |
A trait to make it easier to work with database tables and LUYA admin permission. |
luya\testsuite\traits\CommandStdStreamTrait |
Console trait for {{\luya\console\Command}} stubs to replacement STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR with a array stack. |
luya\testsuite\traits\DatabaseTableTrait |
Base Trait for Database Actions. |
luya\testsuite\traits\MessageFileCompareTrait |
Migration File Compare. |
luya\testsuite\traits\MigrationFileCheckTrait |
Migration File Check. |
luya\texttospeech\TextToSpeechAsset |
Text to Speech Asset. |
luya\texttospeech\TextToSpeechWidget |
Text to Speech. |
luya\theme\SetupEvent |
Event class for theme manager on setup the active theme. |
luya\theme\Theme |
Extend the yii2 theme component and build up the $pathMap depends on given {{\luya\theme\ThemeConfig}} which include parents inheritance. |
luya\theme\ThemeConfig |
Load the config from the theme.json file and the config inheritance from the parent theme. |
luya\theme\ThemeManager |
Core theme manager for LUYA. |
luya\traits\ApplicationTrait |
LUYA Appliation trait |
luya\traits\CacheableTrait |
Cacheable trait allows caching whether application has caching enabled or not. |
luya\traits\ErrorHandlerTrait |
ErrorHandler trait to extend the renderException method with an api call if enabled. |
luya\traits\NextPrevModel |
Trait to us within ActiveRecords to get next and prev (previous) model records of the current
ActiveRecord object model. |
luya\traits\RegistryTrait |
Registry Trait. |
luya\traits\RestBehaviorsTrait |
Rest Behaviors Trait. |
luya\validators\FloatValidator |
Float Validator. |
luya\validators\PhoneNumberValidator |
Phone Number Validator. |
luya\validators\StrengthValidator |
Checks a given string for given strength attributes. |
luya\web\Application |
LUYA Web Application. |
luya\web\Asset |
Asset Bundles. |
luya\web\AssetManager |
Asset Files Manager. |
luya\web\BaseLink |
The basic class for LinkInterface object. |
luya\web\Bootstrap |
LUYA base bootstrap class which will be called during the bootstraping process. |
luya\web\Composition |
Composition parseRequest Handler. |
luya\web\CompositionResolver |
Resolve composition values from a given path and pattern. |
luya\web\Controller |
Base class for all controllers in luya application Modules. |
luya\web\Element |
HTML Element Component. |
luya\web\EmailLink |
Email Link. |
luya\web\ErrorHandler |
LUYA ErrorHandler wrapper with error handler trait |
luya\web\ErrorHandlerExceptionRenderEvent |
ErrorHandler Exception Render Event. |
luya\web\GroupUser |
Group User Component. |
luya\web\GroupUserIdentityInterface |
Group User IdentityInterface. |
luya\web\JsonLd |
Registerin Microdata as JsonLD. |
luya\web\LinkInterface |
Link Resource Interface. |
luya\web\LinkTrait |
Link resources Trait Integrator. |
luya\web\Request |
Request Component. |
luya\web\Svg |
Svg "inserter" |
luya\web\TelephoneLink |
Telephone Link. |
luya\web\UrlManager |
Extended LUYA UrlManager. |
luya\web\UrlRule |
Base urlRule class used as ruleConfig in UrlManager Componenet. |
luya\web\View |
LUYA web view wrapper. |
luya\web\WebsiteLink |
Generate External Link object. |
luya\web\filters\JsonCruftFilter |
Json Cruft Filter. |
luya\web\filters\ResponseCache |
Filter to enable Response Cache. |
luya\web\filters\RobotsFilter |
Prevent Robots from sending Forms. |
luya\web\jsonld\AggregateRating |
JsonLd AggregateRating. |
luya\web\jsonld\Article |
JsonLd - Article |
luya\web\jsonld\ArticleInterface |
JsonLd - Article Interface |
luya\web\jsonld\ArticleTrait |
JsonLd - Article Trait |
luya\web\jsonld\BarOrPub |
Bar or Pub |
luya\web\jsonld\BaseThing |
Base Thing. |
luya\web\jsonld\BaseValue |
Represents any value object. |
luya\web\jsonld\BlogPosting |
JsonLd - Blog Posting |
luya\web\jsonld\BlogPostingInterface |
JsonLd - Blog Posting Interface |
luya\web\jsonld\BlogPostingTrait |
JsonLd - Blog Posting trait |
luya\web\jsonld\CafeOrCoffeeShop |
Cafe or Coffee Shop |
luya\web\jsonld\Comment |
JsonLd Comment. |
luya\web\jsonld\CommentInterface |
JsonLd Comment Interface. |
luya\web\jsonld\CommentTrait |
JsonLd Comment Trait. |
luya\web\jsonld\ContactPoint |
JsonLd ContactPoint. |
luya\web\jsonld\Country |
JsonLd Country. |
luya\web\jsonld\CountryInterface |
JsonLd Country Interface. |
luya\web\jsonld\CountryTrait |
JsonLd Country Trait. |
luya\web\jsonld\CreativeWork |
JsonLd - Creative Work |
luya\web\jsonld\CreativeWorkInterface |
JsonLd - Creative Work Interface |
luya\web\jsonld\CreativeWorkTrait |
JsonLd - Creative Work Trait |
luya\web\jsonld\CurrencyValue |
The currency accepted. |
luya\web\jsonld\DateTimeValue |
A combination of date and time of day in the form [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see Chapter 5.4 of ISO 8601). |
luya\web\jsonld\DateValue |
A date value in ISO 8601 date format. |
luya\web\jsonld\DurationValue |
Convert Timestamp or String to duration. |
luya\web\jsonld\EntertainmentBusiness |
Entertainment Business |
luya\web\jsonld\Event |
JsonLd - Event |
luya\web\jsonld\EventInterface |
JsonLd - Event interface |
luya\web\jsonld\EventTrait |
JsonLd - Event trait |
luya\web\jsonld\FoodEstablishment |
Food Establishment |
luya\web\jsonld\FoodEstablishmentInterface |
Food Establishment Interface |
luya\web\jsonld\FoodEstablishmentTrait |
Food Establishment Trait. |
luya\web\jsonld\GeoCoordinates |
Geo Coordinates |
luya\web\jsonld\ImageObject |
JsonLd ImageObject. |
luya\web\jsonld\ImageObjectInterface |
JsonLd ImageObject. |
luya\web\jsonld\ImageObjectTrait |
JsonLd ImageObject. |
luya\web\jsonld\LanguageValue |
Language value |
luya\web\jsonld\LiveBlogPosting |
JsonLd - Live Blog Posting |
luya\web\jsonld\LiveBlogPostingInterface |
JsonLd - Live Blog Posting Interface |
luya\web\jsonld\LiveBlogPostingTrait |
JsonLd - Live Blog Posting trait |
luya\web\jsonld\LocalBusiness |
Local Business |
luya\web\jsonld\LocalBusinessInterface |
Local Business Interface |
luya\web\jsonld\LocalBusinessTrait |
Local Business Trait |
luya\web\jsonld\MediaObject |
JsonLd MediaObject. |
luya\web\jsonld\MediaObjectInterface |
JsonLd MediaObject Interface. |
luya\web\jsonld\MediaObjectTrait |
JsonLd MediaObject Trait. |
luya\web\jsonld\NightClub |
Night Club |
luya\web\jsonld\Offer |
JsonLd Offer. |
luya\web\jsonld\OfferInterface |
JsonLd Offer. |
luya\web\jsonld\OfferTrait |
JsonLd Offer. |
luya\web\jsonld\OpeningHoursValue |
Opening Hours value. |
luya\web\jsonld\Organization |
JsonLd - Organization |
luya\web\jsonld\OrganizationInterface |
JsonLd - Organization interface |
luya\web\jsonld\OrganizationTrait |
JsonLd - Organization trait |
luya\web\jsonld\Person |
JsonLd - Person |
luya\web\jsonld\PersonInterface |
JsonLd - Person interface |
luya\web\jsonld\PersonTrait |
JsonLd - Person trait |
luya\web\jsonld\Place |
JsonLd - Place |
luya\web\jsonld\PlaceInterface |
JsonLd - Place interface |
luya\web\jsonld\PlaceTrait |
JsonLd - Place trait |
luya\web\jsonld\PostalAddress |
JsonLd PostalAddress. |
luya\web\jsonld\PriceValue |
The price accepted. |
luya\web\jsonld\PropertyValue |
JsonLd PropertyValue. |
luya\web\jsonld\PropertyValueInterface |
JsonLd PropertyValue. |
luya\web\jsonld\PropertyValueTrait |
JsonLd PropertyValue. |
luya\web\jsonld\RangeValue |
luya\web\jsonld\Rating |
JsonLd Rating. |
luya\web\jsonld\Restaurant |
Restaurant |
luya\web\jsonld\Review |
Review |
luya\web\jsonld\SocialMediaPosting |
JsonLd - Social Media Posting |
luya\web\jsonld\SocialMediaPostingInterface |
JsonLd - Social Media Posting Interface |
luya\web\jsonld\SocialMediaPostingTrait |
JsonLd - Social Media Posting trait |
luya\web\jsonld\TextValue |
Text Value. |
luya\web\jsonld\Thing |
JsonLd - Thing |
luya\web\jsonld\ThingInterface |
JsonLd - Thing interface |
luya\web\jsonld\ThingTrait |
JsonLd - Thing trait |
luya\web\jsonld\UrlValue |
Value object for Urls. |
luya\widgets\SubmitButtonWidget |
Generates a submit button for a form. This should be used when submiting payment forms
in order to ensure a request is not send twice. |
luya\yii\helpers\ArrayHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with Arrays. |
luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper |
Exporting into Formats. |
luya\yii\helpers\FileHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with Files. |
luya\yii\helpers\Html |
Extend Yii Html Helper. |
luya\yii\helpers\ImportHelper |
Import from Formats to Array. |
luya\yii\helpers\Inflector |
Helper methods which can be used for string transformations |
luya\yii\helpers\Json |
Json Helper. |
luya\yii\helpers\RestHelper |
Rest API Helper. |
luya\yii\helpers\StringHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with Strings. |
luya\yii\helpers\Url |
Helper methods when dealing with URLs and Links. |
luya\yii\helpers\XLSXWriter |
luya\yii\helpers\XLSXWriter_BuffererWriter |
luya\yii\helpers\ZipHelper |
Helper methods when dealing with ZIP Archives. |