Class luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser

Inheritanceluya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser » luya\admin\openapi\BasePathParser
Available since version3.2.0
Source Code

Generate a Path for a $rules array containg UrlRule objects.

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
__construct() Generate new UrlRule Route Parser luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser
generateOperationId() Generate a readable operation id for current route and verb. luya\admin\openapi\BasePathParser
getActionNameFromRoute() luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser
getOperations() Return all operations luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser
getPath() Returns the path which should be associated with this endpoint. luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser
getPathItem() Return a PathItem. luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser
isValid() Whether this Parser is valid or not. luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser
normalizeTag() Generate a normalized tag from a given route. luya\admin\openapi\BasePathParser
routes() Returns all absolute controller map routes which are covered by this parser. luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
getOperation() Get the Operation luya\admin\openapi\UrlRuleRouteParser

Property Details

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$controller protected property

The created controller object from {{$controllerMapRoute}}.

$controllerMapRoute protected property
protected string $controllerMapRoute null
$controllerSpecs protected property
$endpointName protected property

The endpoint name to categorzied operations together under the same tag.

protected string $endpointName null
$patternRoute protected property
protected string $patternRoute null
$rules protected property

An array with {{yii\web\UrlRule}} objects

protected array $rules null

Method Details

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__construct() public method

Generate new UrlRule Route Parser

public void __construct ( $patternRoute, $controllerMapRoute, array $rules, $endpointName )
$patternRoute string

The pattern which will be taken to generate the path for all routes, f.e. my-users.

$controllerMapRoute string

The controller map which will be taken to generate a new controller, f.e. user/index.

$rules array

An array with {{yii\web\UrlRule}} objects f.e [new UrlRule(['pattern' => 'my-users', 'route' => 'user/index', 'verb' => 'GET'])]

$endpointName string

The endpoint name is used to categorize all operations together into this tag f.e. v1/my-users.

                public function __construct($patternRoute, $controllerMapRoute, array $rules, $endpointName)
    $this->patternRoute = $patternRoute;
    $this->controllerMapRoute = $controllerMapRoute;
    $this->rules = $rules;
    $createController = Yii::$app->createController($controllerMapRoute);
    if ($createController) {
        $this->controller = $createController[0];
    if ($this->controller) {
        $this->controllerSpecs = new ControllerSpecs($this->controller);
    $this->endpointName = $endpointName;

generateOperationId() public method

Defined in: luya\admin\openapi\BasePathParser::generateOperationId()

Generate a readable operation id for current route and verb.

public string generateOperationId ( $verb )
$verb string

                public function generateOperationId($verb)
    $path = ltrim(str_replace(["admin/api-", "admin/api", "admin/"], '', $this->getPath()), '/');
    $operation = $verb . '-'. str_replace("/", " ", $path); // replace slashes with newlines
    $camelCase = Inflector::slug($operation, '-', true, false);
    return Generator::generateUniqueOperationId(Inflector::id2camel($camelCase));

getActionNameFromRoute() public method

public void getActionNameFromRoute ( $route )

                public function getActionNameFromRoute($route)
    $parts = explode("/", $route);
    return end($parts);

getOperation() protected method

Get the Operation

protected \cebe\openapi\spec\Operation|boolean getOperation ( yii\web\UrlRule $urlRule, $verbName )
$urlRule yii\web\UrlRule
$verbName string
return \cebe\openapi\spec\Operation|boolean

Either the operation or false is returned.

                protected function getOperation(UrlRule $urlRule, $verbName)
    if (empty($urlRule->verb)) {
        return false;
    Yii::debug("Get Operation '{$urlRule->route}' with pattern '{$urlRule->pattern}'", __METHOD__);
    $actionSpecs = new ControllerActionSpecs($this->controller, $this->getActionNameFromRoute($urlRule->route), $verbName);
    $actionObject = $actionSpecs->getActionObject();
    if (!$actionObject || ObjectHelper::isInstanceOf($actionObject, OptionsAction::class, false)) {
        return false;
    $params = [];
    $registeredParams = [];
    preg_match_all('/{+(.*?)}/', $this->getPath(), $matches);
    if (isset($matches[1])) {
        foreach ($matches[1] as $param) {
            $registeredParams[] = $param;
            $params[] = new Parameter([
                'name' => $param,
                'in' => 'path',
                'required' => true,
                'schema' => new Schema(['type' => 'string'])
    foreach ($actionSpecs->getParameters() as $param) {
        if ($param instanceof Parameter && !in_array($param->name, $registeredParams)) {
            $params[] = $param;
    $requestBody = false;
    if ($actionObject instanceof UpdateAction || $actionObject instanceof CreateAction) {
        $schema = $actionSpecs->createActiveRecordSchemaFromObject($actionObject, false);
        if (!$schema) {
            return false;
        $requestBody = new RequestBody([
            'required' => true,
            'content' => [
                'application/json' => new MediaType([
                    'schema' => $schema,
    } elseif (strtoupper($verbName) == 'POST') {
        // if its a post request endpoint and @uses is defined use this
        // information as request body.
        $useProperties = [];
        /** @var PhpDocUses $use */
        foreach ($actionSpecs->getPhpDocParser()->getUses() as $use) {
            if ($use->getType()->getIsClass()) {
                $schema = $actionSpecs->createActiveRecordSchemaObjectFromClassName($use->getType()->getClassName());
                if ($schema) {
                    $requestBody = new RequestBody([
                        'content' => [
                            'application/json' => new MediaType([
                                'schema' => [
                                    'type' => 'object',
                                    'properties' => $schema->getProperties()
            } else {
                $useProperties[$use->getDescription()] = new Schema([
                    'type' => $use->getType()->getNoramlizeName(),
                    'title' => $use->getDescription(),
        if (!empty($useProperties)) {
            $requestBody = new RequestBody([
                'content' => [
                    'application/json' => new MediaType([
                        'schema' => [
                            'type' => 'object',
                            'properties' => $useProperties,
    // check if an @method phpdoc is available for the current controller:
    $phpDocMethod = $this->controllerSpecs->getPhpDocParser()->getMethod($actionSpecs->getActionName());
    if ($phpDocMethod) {
        $summary = $phpDocMethod->getNormalizedMethodName();
        $description = $phpDocMethod->getDescription();
    } else {
        $summary = $actionSpecs->getSummary();
        $description = $actionSpecs->getDescription();
    return new Operation(array_filter([
        'tags' => [$this->normalizeTag($this->endpointName)],
        'summary' => $summary,
        'description' => $description,
        'operationId' => $this->generateOperationId($verbName),
        'parameters' => $params,
        'responses' => new Responses($actionSpecs->getResponses()),
        'requestBody' => $requestBody,

getOperations() public method

Return all operations

public array getOperations ( )

                public function getOperations()
    if ($this->_operations !== null) {
        return $this->_operations;
    $operations = [];
    /** @var UrlRule $urlRule */
    foreach ($this->rules as $urlRule) {
        $verbName = current($urlRule->verb);
        $operation = $this->getOperation($urlRule, $verbName);
        if ($operation) {
            $operations[$verbName] = $operation;
            $this->_coveredRoutes[] = $urlRule->route;
    $this->_operations = $operations;
    return $operations;

getPath() public method

Returns the path which should be associated with this endpoint.

This is the actual route which then recieves the request.

public string getPath ( )

                public function getPath(): string
    $route = $this->patternRoute;
    preg_match_all('/\<(\w+)(.*?)\>/', $route, $matches);
    if (isset($matches[2])) {
        foreach ($matches[2] as $regex) {
            $route = str_replace($regex, '', $route);
    return '/'.ltrim(str_replace(['<','>'], ['{', '}'], $route), '/');

getPathItem() public method

Return a PathItem.

A PathItem represents a path within the openapi definition. A path (or maybe also named as endpoint/route) can have multiple verbs. Like post, get, put

public \cebe\openapi\spec\PathItem getPathItem ( )

                public function getPathItem(): PathItem
    $config = [
        'summary' => $this->controllerSpecs->getSummary(),
        'description' => $this->controllerSpecs->getDescription(),
    foreach ($this->getOperations() as $verb => $operation) {
        $config[strtolower($verb)] = $operation;
    return new PathItem($config);

isValid() public method

Whether this Parser is valid or not.

public boolean isValid ( )

                public function isValid(): bool
    return $this->controller && !empty($this->getOperations()) ? true : false;

normalizeTag() public method

Defined in: luya\admin\openapi\BasePathParser::normalizeTag()

Generate a normalized tag from a given route.

public string normalizeTag ( $route )
$route string

                public function normalizeTag($route)
    $route = str_replace(["admin/"], '', $route);
    return ltrim(trim($route, '/'));

routes() public method

Returns all absolute controller map routes which are covered by this parser.

For example the update and post route are difference and covered, it would be:

  • admin/api-admin-user/create
  • admin/api-admin-user/update
public array routes ( )

                public function routes(): array
    return $this->_coveredRoutes;