Class luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocParser

Available since version3.2.0
Source Code

Create Parser Object from reflection class to read PhpDocs.

Property Details

Hide inherited properties

$reflection public property
$rows public property
public $rows = []

Method Details

Hide inherited methods

__construct() public method

public void __construct ( Reflector $reflection )

                public function __construct(Reflector $reflection)
    $this->reflection = new PhpDocReflection($reflection);
    $this->rows = $this->parseDocBlockToArrays($this->reflection);
    Yii::debug("PhpDocParser for file '{$reflection->name}'", __METHOD__);

ensureClassName() public method

Search for a given class inside the use statement and return the fully qualified path.

public string ensureClassName ( $className )
$className string

Search for User should return app\models\User

                public function ensureClassName($className)
    $className = strtolower($className);
    foreach ($this->getUseClasses() as $name) {
        if (StringHelper::contains(' as ', strtolower($name))) {
            $items = explode(" as ", $name);
            $aliasName = end($items);
            if (trim($aliasName) == $className) {
                return $name;
        } else {
            $items = explode("\\", strtolower($name));
            $lastItem = end($items);
            if (trim($lastItem) == $className) {
                return $name;
    return false;

getLongDescription() public method

public void getLongDescription ( )

                public function getLongDescription()
    $content = [];
    foreach ($this->rows['texts'] as $key => $row) {
        if ($key == 0) {
        if ($key == 1 && empty($row)) {
        $content[] = $row;
    return implode(PHP_EOL, $content);

getMethod() public method (available since version 3.3.1)

Get a PhpDoc @method definition by its name

public luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocMethod getMethod ( $name )
$name string

The name of the action which is defined, for example actionIndex

                public function getMethod($name)
    return $this->getMethods()[$name] ?? false;

getMethods() public method (available since version 3.3.1)

Returns all PhpDoc @method definitions

public luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocMethod[] getMethods ( )
return luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocMethod[]

An array where the key is the methodName like actionIndex

                public function getMethods()
    $methods = [];
    foreach ($this->rows['method'] as $method) {
        $phpDocMethod = new PhpDocMethod($this, $method);
        $methods[$phpDocMethod->getMethodName()] = $phpDocMethod;
    return $methods;

getParam() public method

public luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocParam getParam ( $paramName )
$paramName string

                public function getParam($paramName)
    $params = $this->rows['param'];
    foreach ($params as $p) {
        if (isset($p[2]) && ltrim(strtolower($p[2]), '$') == strtolower($paramName)) {
            return new PhpDocParam($this, $p);
    return new PhpDocParam($this, []);

getParams() public method

Get all @param

public luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocParam[] getParams ( )

                public function getParams()
    $params = [];
    foreach ($this->rows['param'] as $param) {
        $params[] = new PhpDocParam($this, $param);
    return $params;

getProperties() public method

Get all @property

public luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocParam[] getProperties ( )

                public function getProperties()
    $properties = [];
    foreach ($this->rows['property'] as $param) {
        $properties[] = new PhpDocParam($this, $param);
    return $properties;

getProperty() public method

public luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocParam getProperty ( $propertyName )

                public function getProperty($propertyName)
    $properties = $this->rows['property'];
    foreach ($properties as $p) {
        if (isset($p[2]) && ltrim(strtolower($p[2]), '$') == strtolower($propertyName)) {
            return new PhpDocParam($this, $p);
    return new PhpDocParam($this, []);

getReturn() public method


public luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocReturn getReturn ( )

                public function getReturn()
    $params = $this->rows['return'];
    // as it should have only 1 return!
    return new PhpDocReturn($this, empty($params) ? [] : current($params));

getShortSummary() public method

public void getShortSummary ( )

                public function getShortSummary()
    return current($this->rows['texts']);

getUseClasses() public method

Returns all use statements from a class file.

  • luya\cms\models\NavContainer
  • luya\cms\models\NavItemModule
  • luya\base\DynamicModel as FooBar
public array getUseClasses ( )

                public function getUseClasses()
    $file = $this->reflection->getFileName();
    $tokens = token_get_all(file_get_contents($file));
    $parts = [];
    $startCapture = 0;
    foreach ($tokens as $token) {
        if (is_array($token)) {
            if ($token[0] == T_DOC_COMMENT) {
            if ($token[0] == T_USE) {
                // use starts
                $startCapture = $startCapture + 1;
            if ($startCapture > 0) {
                $parts[$startCapture][] = $token[1];
    foreach ($parts as $k => $part) {
        $parts[$k] = str_replace("use ", "", trim(implode("", $part)));
    return $parts;

getUses() public method (available since version 3.3.0)

Get uses

public luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocUses[] getUses ( )

                public function getUses()
    $uses = [];
    foreach ($this->rows['uses'] as $use) {
        $uses[] = new PhpDocUses($this, $use);
    return $uses;

normalizeTypes() public method

Ensure types are always the same not in short form.

public string normalizeTypes ( $type )
$type string

                public function normalizeTypes($type)
    $type = strtolower((string) $type);
    // fix not supported short form types
    if ($type == 'bool') {
        $type = 'boolean';
    if ($type == 'int') {
        $type = 'integer';
    // convert types to number
    if (in_array($type, ['float', 'double', 'int32', 'int64'])) {
        $type = 'number';
    // ensure uncovered types
    if (!in_array($type, ['array', 'boolean', 'integer', 'number', 'object', 'string'])) {
        return 'string';
    return $type;

parseDocBlockToArrays() protected method

protected void parseDocBlockToArrays ( luya\admin\openapi\phpdoc\PhpDocReflection $reflection )

                protected function parseDocBlockToArrays(PhpDocReflection $reflection)
    $rows = [
        'texts' => [],
        'return' => [], // @return <type> <description>
        'author' => [],
        'param' => [], // @param <type> $firstname <description>
        'deprecated' => [],
        'see' => [],
        'link' => [],
        'since' => [],
        'var' => [],
        'property' => [], // @property <type> $firstname <description>,
        'uses' => [], // @uses <type> <description>,
        'method' => [], // @method <returnType> <actionName> <description>
    foreach (explode(PHP_EOL, $reflection->getDocComment()) as $row) {
        $row = ltrim($row);
        if (in_array($row, ["/**", "/*", "*/"])) {
        $row = ltrim($row, "* ");
        if (substr($row, 0, 1) == '@') {
            if (StringHelper::startsWith($row, '@param') || StringHelper::startsWith($row, '@property')) {
                preg_match("/^(@[a-z]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s*(.*)$/", $row, $matches, 0, 0);
            } elseif (StringHelper::startsWith($row, '@method')) {
                preg_match("/^(@[a-z]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\((.*)\)\s+(.*)$/", $row, $matches, 0, 0);
            } else {
                preg_match("/^(@[a-z]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s*(.*)$/", $row, $matches, 0, 0);
            if (isset($matches[1])) {
                $rows[substr($matches[1], 1)][] = array_values($matches);
        } else {
            $rows['texts'][] = $row;
    return $rows;

typesTotype() public method

Return types to a single type.

Assuming boolean|string|array it will return the boolean unless $preferred is configured.

public string typesTotype ( $schema, $preferred null )
$schema string
$preferred string

                public function typesTotype($schema, $preferred = null)
    $values = explode("|", $schema);
    if (count($values) > 1) {
        return $this->normalizeTypes(current($values));
    return $schema;