Method |
Description |
Defined By |
attributes() |
Returns the list of all attribute names of the record. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
delete() |
Deletes the record from the database. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
deleteAll() |
Deletes records using the provided conditions. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
equals() |
Returns a value indicating whether the given active record is the same as the current one. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
find() |
Creates an yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface instance for query purpose. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
findAll() |
Returns a list of active record models that match the specified primary key value(s) or a set of column values. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
findOne() |
Returns a single active record model instance by a primary key or an array of column values. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
getAttribute() |
Returns the named attribute value. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
getDb() |
Returns the connection used by this AR class. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
getIsNewRecord() |
Returns a value indicating whether the current record is new (not saved in the database). |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
getIsNgRestContext() |
Whether current model is in ngrest context or not |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModelInterface |
getOldPrimaryKey() |
Returns the old primary key value(s). |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
getPrimaryKey() |
Returns the primary key value(s). |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
getRelation() |
Returns the relation object with the specified name. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
hasAttribute() |
Returns a value indicating whether the record has an attribute with the specified name. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
insert() |
Inserts the record into the database using the attribute values of this record. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
instance() |
Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information. |
yii\base\StaticInstanceInterface |
isPrimaryKey() |
Returns a value indicating whether the given set of attributes represents the primary key for this model. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
link() |
Establishes the relationship between two records. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
ngRestApiEndpoint() |
Defines the Api Endpoint for the current Active Record model. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModelInterface |
ngRestConfig() |
Defines the base inline configuration for the current Model. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModelInterface |
ngRestFind() |
The NgRestFind is used when performing the crud list index overivew. You
can override this method in order to hide data from the ngRestFind command
which populates all data from the database. |
luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModelInterface |
populateRelation() |
Populates the named relation with the related records. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
primaryKey() |
Returns the primary key name(s) for this AR class. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
save() |
Saves the current record. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
setAttribute() |
Sets the named attribute value. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
unlink() |
Destroys the relationship between two records. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
update() |
Saves the changes to this active record into the database. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |
updateAll() |
Updates records using the provided attribute values and conditions. |
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface |