Abstract Class luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage

Inheritanceluya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
Uses Traitsluya\traits\CacheableTrait
Subclassesluya\admin\filesystem\DummyFileSystem, luya\admin\filesystem\LocalFileSystem, luya\testsuite\components\DummyFileSystem
Available since version1.0.0
Source Code https://github.com/luyadev/luya-module-admin/blob/master/src/storage/BaseFileSystemStorage.php

Storage Container for reading, saving and holding files.

Create images, files, manipulate, foreach and get details. The storage container will be the singleton similar instance containing all the loaded images and files.

The base storage system is implemented by filesystems:

  • {{luya\admin\filesystem\LocalStorage}} (Default system for the admin module)
  • {{luya\admin\filesystem\S3}}

As files, images and folders implement the same traits you can also read more about enhanced usage:

  • Querying Data with {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait}}
  • Where conditions {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where()}}

Handling Files ¶

First adding a new file to the Storage system using the {{\luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage::addFile()}} method.

Yii::$app->storage->addFile('/the/path/to/File.jpg', 'File.jpg', 0, 1);

The response of the add file method is an {{\luya\admin\file\Item}} Object.

Get an array of files based on search parameters (When not passing any arguments all files would be returned.):

Yii::$app->storage->findFiles(['is_hidden' => 0, 'is_deleted' => 0]);

In order to get a single file object based on its ID use:


To find a file based on other where arguments instead of the id use findFile:

Yii::$app->storage->findFile(['name' => 'MyFile.jpg']);

Handling Images ¶

An image object is always based on the {{\luya\admin\file\Item}} object and a {{luya\admin\base\Filter}}. In order to add an image you already need a fileId and filterId. If the filterId is 0, it means no additional filter will be applied.

Yii::$app->storage->addImage(123, 0); // create an image from file object id 123 without filter.

The newly created image will return a {{luya\admin\image\Item}} object.

In order to find one image:

Yii::$app->storage->findImage(['id' => 123]);

or find one image by its ID:


To get an array of images based on where conditions use:

Yii::$app->storage->findImages(['file_id' => 1, 'filter_id' => 0]);

Public Properties

Hide inherited properties

Property Type Description Defined By
$autoFixMissingImageSources boolean When enabled the storage component will try to recreated missing images when {{luya\admin\image\Item::getSource()}} of an image is called but the getFileExists() does return false, which means that the source file has been deleted. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$behaviors yii\base\Behavior[] List of behaviors attached to this component. yii\base\Component
$dangerousExtensions array The extension which will be rejected. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$dangerousMimeTypes array The mime types which will be rejected. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$filesArray array An array containing all files luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$filtersArray array An array with all filters luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$foldersArray array An array containing all folders luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$imageMimeTypes array A list of mime types which are indicating images luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$imagesArray array An array containg all images luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$queueFilters boolean When enabled, the filters in the {{luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage::$queueFiltersList}} will be applied to the uploaded file if the file is an image. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$queueFiltersList array If {{luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage::$queueFilters}} is enabled, the following image filters will be processed. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$queueJobIds array If the storage system pushed any jobs into the queue, this array holds the queue job ids. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$request luya\web\Request Request object resolved by the Dependency Injector. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$secureFileUpload boolean Whether secure file upload is enabled or not. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$serverPath string Get the server path (for php) to the storage folder. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$whitelistExtensions array An array with extensions which are whitelisted. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
$whitelistMimeTypes array The mime types inside this array are whitelistet and will be stored whether validation failes or not. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage

Public Methods

Hide inherited methods

Method Description Defined By
__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. yii\base\Component
__clone() This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. yii\base\Component
__construct() Consturctor resolveds Request component from DI container luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
__get() Returns the value of a component property. yii\base\Component
__isset() Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. yii\base\Component
__set() Sets the value of a component property. yii\base\Component
__unset() Sets a component property to be null. yii\base\Component
addFile() Add a new file based on the source to the storage system. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
addFolder() Add new folder to the storage system. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
addImage() Add a new image based an existing file Id. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
attachBehavior() Attaches a behavior to this component. yii\base\Component
attachBehaviors() Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. yii\base\Component
behaviors() Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. yii\base\Component
canGetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. yii\base\Component
canSetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. yii\base\Component
className() Returns the fully qualified name of this class. yii\base\BaseObject
createImage() Just creating the image based on input informations without usage of storage files or images list. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
deleteHasCache() Remove a value from the cache if caching is enabled. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
detachBehavior() Detaches a behavior from the component. yii\base\Component
detachBehaviors() Detaches all behaviors from the component. yii\base\Component
ensureBehaviors() Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. yii\base\Component
ensureFileUpload() Ensure a file uploads and return relevant file infos. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileAbsoluteHttpPath() Return the absolute http path for a given file on the file system. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileHttpPath() Return the http path for a given file on the file system. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileServerPath() Returns the path internal server path to the given file on the file system. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileSystemContent() Get the content of the file on the given file system. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileSystemDeleteFile() Delete a given file source on the filesystem. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileSystemExists() Check if the file exists on the given file system. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileSystemReplaceFile() Replace an existing file source with a new one on the filesystem. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileSystemSaveFile() Save the given file source as a new file with the given fileName on the filesystem. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
fileSystemStream() Generate a stream/resource for the file to download luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
findFile() Get a single file based on a where condition. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
findFiles() Get an array with all files based on a where condition. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
findFolder() Get a single folder based on a where condition. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
findFolders() Get an array with all folders based on a where condition. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
findImage() Get a single image based on a where condition. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
findImages() Get an array with all images based on a where condition. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
flushArrays() Will force to refresh all container arrays and clean up the cache luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
flushHasCache() Deletes all values from cache. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
flushImageArray() Flush only images array and image cache. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getBehavior() Returns the named behavior object. yii\base\Component
getBehaviors() Returns all behaviors attached to this component. yii\base\Component
getFile() Get a single file based on the ID. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getFilesArray() Get all storage files as an array from database. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getFilesArrayItem() Get a single file by file id from the files array. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getFilterId() Get the filter id based on the identifier. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getFiltersArray() Get all storage filters as an array from database. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getFiltersArrayItem() Get a single filter by filter identifier from the filters array. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getFolder() Get a single folder based on the ID. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getFoldersArray() Get all storage folders as an array from database. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getFoldersArrayItem() Get a single folder by folder id from the folders array. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getHasCache() Get the caching data if caching is allowed and there is any data stored for this key. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
getImage() Get a single image based on the ID. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getImagesArray() Get all storage images as an array from database. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getImagesArrayItem() Get a single image by image id from the files array. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
getOrSetHasCache() Method combines both setHasCache() and getHasCache() methods to retrieve value identified by a $key, or to store the result of $closure execution if there is no cache available for the $key. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
hasEventHandlers() Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. yii\base\Component
hasMethod() Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. yii\base\Component
hasProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. yii\base\Component
init() Initializes the object. yii\base\BaseObject
isCachable() Check if the current configuration of the application and the property allows a caching of the language container data. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
off() Detaches an existing event handler from this component. yii\base\Component
on() Attaches an event handler to an event. yii\base\Component
processThumbnails() This method allwos you to generate all thumbnails for the file manager, you can trigger this process when importing or creating several images at once, so the user does not have to create the thumbnails luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
setFilesArray() Setter method for fiels array. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
setFiltersArray() Setter method for filters array. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
setHasCache() Store cache data for a specific key if caching is enabled in this application. luya\traits\CacheableTrait
setImagesArray() Setter method for images array. luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
trigger() Triggers an event. yii\base\Component


Hide inherited constants

Constant Value Description Defined By
CACHE_KEY_FILE 'storage_fileCacheKey' luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
CACHE_KEY_FILTER 'storage_filterCacheKey' luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
CACHE_KEY_FOLDER 'storage_folderCacheKey' luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
CACHE_KEY_IMAGE 'storage_imageCacheKey' luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
FILE_SAVE_EVENT 'onFileSave' luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage
FILE_UPDATE_EVENT 'onFileUpdate' luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage

Property Details

Hide inherited properties

$autoFixMissingImageSources public property

When enabled the storage component will try to recreated missing images when {{luya\admin\image\Item::getSource()}} of an image is called but the getFileExists() does return false, which means that the source file has been deleted. So in those cases the storage component will automatiaccly try to recreated this image based on the filterId and fileId.

$dangerousExtensions public property

The extension which will be rejected.

public array $dangerousExtensions = [
$dangerousMimeTypes public property

The mime types which will be rejected.

public array $dangerousMimeTypes = [
$filesArray public property

An array containing all files

public array $filesArray null
$filtersArray public property

An array with all filters

public array $filtersArray null
$foldersArray public property

An array containing all folders

public array $foldersArray null
$imageMimeTypes public property (available since version

A list of mime types which are indicating images

public array $imageMimeTypes = [
$imagesArray public property

An array containg all images

public array $imagesArray null
$queueFilters public property (available since version 4.0.0)

When enabled, the filters in the {{luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage::$queueFiltersList}} will be applied to the uploaded file if the file is an image. We recommend you turn this on, only when using the queue/listen command see [[app-queue.md]], because the user needs to wait until the queue job is processed in the admin ui.

public boolean $queueFilters false
$queueFiltersList public property (available since version 4.0.0)

If {{luya\admin\storage\BaseFileSystemStorage::$queueFilters}} is enabled, the following image filters will be processed. We recommend to add the default filters which are used in the admin ui (for file manager thumbnails). Therefore those are default values ['tiny-crop', 'medium-thumbnail'].

public array $queueFiltersList = [
$queueJobIds public property

If the storage system pushed any jobs into the queue, this array holds the queue job ids.

public array $queueJobIds = []
$request public property

Request object resolved by the Dependency Injector.

public luya\web\Request $request null
$secureFileUpload public property

Whether secure file upload is enabled or not. If enabled dangerous mime types and extensions will be rejected and the file mime type needs to be verified by phps fileinfo extension.

public boolean $secureFileUpload true
$serverPath public property

Get the server path (for php) to the storage folder.

public string $serverPath null
$whitelistExtensions public property (available since version 1.2.2)

An array with extensions which are whitelisted. This can be very dangerous as it will skip the check whether the mime type is matching the extension types. If an extensions in {{$dangerousExtensions}} and {{$whitelistExtensions}} it will still throw an exception as {{$dangerousExtensions}} take precedence over {{$$whitelistExtensions}}.

$whitelistMimeTypes public property (available since version 1.1.0)

The mime types inside this array are whitelistet and will be stored whether validation failes or not. For example if mime type 'text/plain' is given for a 'csv' extension, the valid extensions would be 'txt' or 'log', this would throw an exception, therefore you can whitelist the 'text/plain' mime type. This can be usefull when uploading csv files.

Method Details

Hide inherited methods

__call() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__call()

Calls the named method which is not a class method.

This method will check if any attached behavior has the named method and will execute it if available.

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when an unknown method is being invoked.

public mixed __call ( $name, $params )
$name string

The method name

$params array

Method parameters

return mixed

The method return value

throws yii\base\UnknownMethodException

when calling unknown method

                public function __call($name, $params)
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $object) {
        if ($object->hasMethod($name)) {
            return call_user_func_array([$object, $name], $params);
    throw new UnknownMethodException('Calling unknown method: ' . get_class($this) . "::$name()");

__clone() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__clone()

This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one.

It removes all behaviors because they are attached to the old object.

public void __clone ( )

                public function __clone()
    $this->_events = [];
    $this->_eventWildcards = [];
    $this->_behaviors = null;

__construct() public method

Consturctor resolveds Request component from DI container

public void __construct ( luya\web\Request $request, array $config = [] )
$request luya\web\Request

The request component class resolved by the Dependency Injector.

$config array

                public function __construct(Request $request, array $config = [])
    $this->request = $request;

__get() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__get()

Returns the value of a component property.

This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:

  • a property defined by a getter: return the getter result
  • a property of a behavior: return the behavior property value

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing $value = $component->property;.

See also __set().

public mixed __get ( $name )
$name string

The property name

return mixed

The property value or the value of a behavior's property

throws yii\base\UnknownPropertyException

if the property is not defined

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

if the property is write-only.

                public function __get($name)
    $getter = 'get' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
        // read property, e.g. getName()
        return $this->$getter();
    // behavior property
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
        if ($behavior->canGetProperty($name)) {
            return $behavior->$name;
    if (method_exists($this, 'set' . $name)) {
        throw new InvalidCallException('Getting write-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
    throw new UnknownPropertyException('Getting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

__isset() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__isset()

Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null.

This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:

  • a property defined by a setter: return whether the property is set
  • a property of a behavior: return whether the property is set
  • return false for non existing properties

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing isset($component->property).

See also https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.isset.php.

public boolean __isset ( $name )
$name string

The property name or the event name

return boolean

Whether the named property is set

                public function __isset($name)
    $getter = 'get' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
        return $this->$getter() !== null;
    // behavior property
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
        if ($behavior->canGetProperty($name)) {
            return $behavior->$name !== null;
    return false;

__set() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__set()

Sets the value of a component property.

This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:

  • a property defined by a setter: set the property value
  • an event in the format of "on xyz": attach the handler to the event "xyz"
  • a behavior in the format of "as xyz": attach the behavior named as "xyz"
  • a property of a behavior: set the behavior property value

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing $component->property = $value;.

See also __get().

public void __set ( $name, $value )
$name string

The property name or the event name

$value mixed

The property value

throws yii\base\UnknownPropertyException

if the property is not defined

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

if the property is read-only.

                public function __set($name, $value)
    $setter = 'set' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
        // set property
    } elseif (strncmp($name, 'on ', 3) === 0) {
        // on event: attach event handler
        $this->on(trim(substr($name, 3)), $value);
    } elseif (strncmp($name, 'as ', 3) === 0) {
        // as behavior: attach behavior
        $name = trim(substr($name, 3));
        $this->attachBehavior($name, $value instanceof Behavior ? $value : Yii::createObject($value));
    // behavior property
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
        if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name)) {
            $behavior->$name = $value;
    if (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name)) {
        throw new InvalidCallException('Setting read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
    throw new UnknownPropertyException('Setting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

__unset() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__unset()

Sets a component property to be null.

This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:

  • a property defined by a setter: set the property value to be null
  • a property of a behavior: set the property value to be null

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing unset($component->property).

See also https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.unset.php.

public void __unset ( $name )
$name string

The property name

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

if the property is read only.

                public function __unset($name)
    $setter = 'set' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
    // behavior property
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
        if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name)) {
            $behavior->$name = null;
    throw new InvalidCallException('Unsetting an unknown or read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

addFile() public method

Add a new file based on the source to the storage system.

When using the $_FILES array you can also make usage of the file helper methods:

  • {{luya\admin\helpers\Storage::uploadFromFiles}}
  • {{luya\admin\helpers\Storage::uploadFromFileArray}}

When not using the $_FILES array:

Yii::$app->storage->addFile('/the/path/to/File.jpg', 'File.jpg', 0, 1);
public boolean|luya\admin\file\Item|luya\Exception addFile ( $fileSource, $fileName, $folderId 0, $isHidden false )
$fileSource string

Path to the file source where the file should be created from

$fileName string

The name of this file (must contain data type suffix).

$folderId integer

The id of the folder where the file should be stored in.

$isHidden boolean

Should the file visible in the filemanager or not.

return boolean|luya\admin\file\Item|luya\Exception

Returns the item object, if an error happens an exception is thrown.

throws luya\Exception

                public function addFile($fileSource, $fileName, $folderId = 0, $isHidden = false)
    $fileData = $this->ensureFileUpload($fileSource, $fileName);
    $fileHash = FileHelper::md5sum($fileSource);
    $newName = implode('.', [$fileData['secureFileName'].'_'.$fileData['hashName'], $fileData['extension']]);
    if (!$this->fileSystemSaveFile($fileSource, $newName)) {
        return false;
    $model = new StorageFile();
        'name_original' => $fileName,
        'name_new' => $fileData['secureFileName'],
        'name_new_compound' => $newName,
        'mime_type' => $fileData['mimeType'],
        'extension' => $fileData['extension'],
        'folder_id' => (int) $folderId,
        'hash_file' => $fileHash,
        'hash_name' => $fileData['hashName'],
        'is_hidden' => $isHidden ? true : false,
        'is_deleted' => false,
        'file_size' => $fileData['fileSize'],
        'caption' => null,
        'inline_disposition' => (int) Module::getInstance()->fileDefaultInlineDisposition,
    if ($model->validate()) {
        if ($model->save()) {
            if ($model->isImage && $this->queueFilters) {
                $this->queueJobIds[] = Yii::$app->adminqueue->push(new ImageFilterJob(['fileId' => $model->id, 'filterIdentifiers' => $this->queueFiltersList]));
            $this->trigger(self::FILE_SAVE_EVENT, new FileEvent(['file' => $model]));
            $this->_filesArray[$model->id] = $model->toArray();
            return $this->getFile($model->id);
    return false;

addFolder() public method

Add new folder to the storage system.

public boolean|integer addFolder ( $folderName, $parentFolderId 0 )
$folderName string

The name of the new folder

$parentFolderId integer

If its a subfolder the id of the parent folder must be provided.

return boolean|integer

Returns the folder id or false if something went wrong.

                public function addFolder($folderName, $parentFolderId = 0)
    $model = new StorageFolder();
    $model->name = $folderName;
    $model->parent_id = $parentFolderId;
    $model->timestamp_create = time();
    if ($model->save(false)) {
        return $model->id;
    return false;

addImage() public method

Add a new image based an existing file Id.

The storage system uses the same file base, for images and files. The difference between a file and an image is the filter which is applied.

Only files of the type image can be used (or added) as an image.

An image object is always based on the {{\luya\admin\file\Item}} object and a {{luya\admin\base\Filter}}.

Yii::$app->storage->addImage(123, 0); // create an image from file object id 123 without filter.
public boolean|luya\admin\image\Item|luya\Exception addImage ( $fileId, $filterId 0, $throwException false )
$fileId integer

The id of the file where image should be created from.

$filterId integer

The id of the filter which should be applied to, if filter is 0, no filter will be added. Filter can new also be the string name of the filter like tiny-crop.

$throwException boolean

Whether the addImage should throw an exception or just return boolean

return boolean|luya\admin\image\Item|luya\Exception

Returns the item object, if an error happens and $throwException is off false is returned otherwhise an exception is thrown.

throws luya\Exception

                public function addImage($fileId, $filterId = 0, $throwException = false)
    try {
        // if the filterId is provded as a string the filter will be looked up by its name in the get filters array list.
        if (is_string($filterId) && !is_numeric($filterId)) {
            $filterLookup = $this->getFiltersArrayItem($filterId);
            if (!$filterLookup) {
                throw new Exception("The provided filter name " . $filterId . " does not exist.");
            $filterId = $filterLookup['id'];
        $query = (new \luya\admin\image\Query())->where(['file_id' => $fileId, 'filter_id' => $filterId])->one();
        if ($query && $query->fileExists) {
            return $query;
        $fileQuery = $this->getFile($fileId);
        if (!$fileQuery || !$fileQuery->fileExists) {
            if ($fileQuery !== false) {
                throw new Exception("Unable to create image, the base file server source '{$fileQuery->serverSource}' does not exist.");
            throw new Exception("Unable to find the file with id '{$fileId}', image can not be created.");
        $model = $this->createImage($fileId, $filterId);
        if (!$model) {
            throw new Exception("Unable to create the image on the filesystem.");
        $this->_imagesArray[$model->id] = $model->toArray();
        return $this->getImage($model->id);
    } catch (\Exception $err) {
        if ($throwException) {
            throw $err;
    return false;

attachBehavior() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::attachBehavior()

Attaches a behavior to this component.

This method will create the behavior object based on the given configuration. After that, the behavior object will be attached to this component by calling the yii\base\Behavior::attach() method.

See also detachBehavior().

public yii\base\Behavior attachBehavior ( $name, $behavior )
$name string

The name of the behavior.

$behavior string|array|yii\base\Behavior

The behavior configuration. This can be one of the following:

return yii\base\Behavior

The behavior object

                public function attachBehavior($name, $behavior)
    return $this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);

attachBehaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::attachBehaviors()

Attaches a list of behaviors to the component.

Each behavior is indexed by its name and should be a yii\base\Behavior object, a string specifying the behavior class, or an configuration array for creating the behavior.

See also attachBehavior().

public void attachBehaviors ( $behaviors )
$behaviors array

List of behaviors to be attached to the component

                public function attachBehaviors($behaviors)
    foreach ($behaviors as $name => $behavior) {
        $this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);

behaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::behaviors()

Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as.

Child classes may override this method to specify the behaviors they want to behave as.

The return value of this method should be an array of behavior objects or configurations indexed by behavior names. A behavior configuration can be either a string specifying the behavior class or an array of the following structure:

'behaviorName' => [
    'class' => 'BehaviorClass',
    'property1' => 'value1',
    'property2' => 'value2',

Note that a behavior class must extend from yii\base\Behavior. Behaviors can be attached using a name or anonymously. When a name is used as the array key, using this name, the behavior can later be retrieved using getBehavior() or be detached using detachBehavior(). Anonymous behaviors can not be retrieved or detached.

Behaviors declared in this method will be attached to the component automatically (on demand).

public array behaviors ( )
return array

The behavior configurations.

                public function behaviors()
    return [];

canGetProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::canGetProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.

A property can be read if:

  • the class has a getter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);
  • an attached behavior has a readable property of the given name (when $checkBehaviors is true).

See also canSetProperty().

public boolean canGetProperty ( $name, $checkVars true, $checkBehaviors true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

$checkBehaviors boolean

Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component

return boolean

Whether the property can be read

                public function canGetProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
    if (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name)) {
        return true;
    } elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
        foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
            if ($behavior->canGetProperty($name, $checkVars)) {
                return true;
    return false;

canSetProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::canSetProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.

A property can be written if:

  • the class has a setter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);
  • an attached behavior has a writable property of the given name (when $checkBehaviors is true).

See also canGetProperty().

public boolean canSetProperty ( $name, $checkVars true, $checkBehaviors true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

$checkBehaviors boolean

Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component

return boolean

Whether the property can be written

                public function canSetProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
    if (method_exists($this, 'set' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name)) {
        return true;
    } elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
        foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
            if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name, $checkVars)) {
                return true;
    return false;

className() public static method
Deprecated since 2.0.14. On PHP >=5.5, use ::class instead.

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::className()

Returns the fully qualified name of this class.

public static string className ( )
return string

The fully qualified name of this class.

                public static function className()
    return get_called_class();

createImage() public method (available since version

Just creating the image based on input informations without usage of storage files or images list.

public luya\admin\models\StorageImage|false createImage ( $fileId, $filterId )
$fileId integer

The id of the file to create filter of

$filterId integer

The filter id to apply on the given file.

return luya\admin\models\StorageImage|false

Returns the storage image model on success, otherwise false.

                public function createImage($fileId, $filterId)
    $image = StorageImage::find()->where(['file_id' => $fileId, 'filter_id' => $filterId])->one();
    // the image exists already in the database and the file system
    if ($image && $image->fileExists) {
        return $image;
    $file = StorageFile::findOne($fileId);
    // https://github.com/luyadev/luya-module-admin/issues/415
    if (!$file && !$file->isImage) {
        return false;
    // create the new image name
    $fileName = $filterId.'_'.$file->name_new_compound;
    $fromTempFile = @tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'fromFile'); // @see https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.tempnam.php#120451 & https://github.com/luyadev/luya-module-admin/issues/316
    $fromTempFile.= $fileName;
    $content = $file->getContent();
    // it seems the content can not be found.
    if ($content === false) {
        return false;
    $writeFile = FileHelper::writeFile($fromTempFile, $content);
    // unable to write the temp file
    if (!$writeFile) {
        return false;
    // create a temp file
    $tempFile = @tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'destFile'); // @see https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.tempnam.php#120451 & https://github.com/luyadev/luya-module-admin/issues/316
    $tempFile.= $fileName;
    // there is no filter, which means we create an image version for a given file.
    if (empty($filterId)) {
        @copy($fromTempFile, $tempFile);
    } else {
        $filter = StorageFilter::findOne($filterId);
        if (!$filter || !$filter->applyFilterChain($fromTempFile, $tempFile)) {
            return false;
    $resolution = Storage::getImageResolution($tempFile);
    // now copy the file to the storage system
    $this->fileSystemSaveFile($tempFile, $fileName);
    // ensure the existing of the model
    if ($image) {
        $image->resolution_height = $resolution['height'];
        $image->resolution_width = $resolution['width'];
        return $image;
    $image = new StorageImage();
    $image->file_id = $fileId;
    $image->filter_id = $filterId;
    $image->resolution_height = $resolution['height'];
    $image->resolution_width = $resolution['width'];
    if (!$image->save()) {
        return false;
    return $image;

deleteHasCache() public method

Defined in: luya\traits\CacheableTrait::deleteHasCache()

Remove a value from the cache if caching is enabled.

public boolean deleteHasCache ( $key )
$key string|array

The cache identifier

return boolean

Whether delete of key has been success or not

                public function deleteHasCache($key)
    if ($this->isCachable()) {
        return Yii::$app->cache->delete($key);
    return false;

detachBehavior() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::detachBehavior()

Detaches a behavior from the component.

The behavior's yii\base\Behavior::detach() method will be invoked.

public yii\base\Behavior|null detachBehavior ( $name )
$name string

The behavior's name.

return yii\base\Behavior|null

The detached behavior. Null if the behavior does not exist.

                public function detachBehavior($name)
    if (isset($this->_behaviors[$name])) {
        $behavior = $this->_behaviors[$name];
        return $behavior;
    return null;

detachBehaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::detachBehaviors()

Detaches all behaviors from the component.

public void detachBehaviors ( )

                public function detachBehaviors()
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $name => $behavior) {

ensureBehaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::ensureBehaviors()

Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component.

public void ensureBehaviors ( )

                public function ensureBehaviors()
    if ($this->_behaviors === null) {
        $this->_behaviors = [];
        foreach ($this->behaviors() as $name => $behavior) {
            $this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);

ensureFileUpload() public method

Ensure a file uploads and return relevant file infos.

public array ensureFileUpload ( $fileSource, $fileName )
$fileSource string

The file on the server ($_FILES['tmp'])

$fileName string

Original upload name of the file ($_FILES['name'])

return array

Returns an array with the following KeywordPatch

  • fileInfo:
  • mimeType:
  • fileName:
  • secureFileName: The file name with all insecure chars removed
  • fileSource:
  • extension: jpg, png, etc.
  • hashName: a short hash name for the given file, not the md5 sum.
throws luya\Exception

                public function ensureFileUpload($fileSource, $fileName)
    // throw exception if source or name is empty
    if (empty($fileSource) || empty($fileName)) {
        throw new Exception("Filename and source can not be empty.");
    // if filename is blob, its a paste event from the browser, therefore generate the filename from the file source.
    // @TODO: move out of ensureFileUpload
    if ($fileName == 'blob') {
        $ext = FileHelper::getExtensionsByMimeType(FileHelper::getMimeType($fileSource));
        $fileName = 'paste-'.date("Y-m-d-H-i").'.'.$ext[0];
    // get file informations from the name
    $fileInfo = FileHelper::getFileInfo($fileName);
    // get the mimeType from the fileSource, if $secureFileUpload is disabled, the mime type will be extracted from the file extensions
    // instead of using the fileinfo extension, therefore this is not recommend.
    $mimeType = FileHelper::getMimeType($fileSource, null, !$this->secureFileUpload);
    // empty mime type indicates a wrong file upload.
    if (empty($mimeType)) {
        throw new Exception("Unable to find mimeType for the given file, make sure the php extension 'fileinfo' is installed.");
    $extensionsFromMimeType = FileHelper::getExtensionsByMimeType($mimeType);
    if (empty($extensionsFromMimeType) && empty($this->whitelistExtensions)) {
        throw new Exception("Unable to find extension for given mimeType \"{$mimeType}\" or it contains insecure data.");
    if (!empty($this->whitelistExtensions)) {
        $extensionsFromMimeType = array_merge($extensionsFromMimeType, $this->whitelistExtensions);
    // check if the file extension is matching the entries from FileHelper::getExtensionsByMimeType array.
    if (!in_array($fileInfo->extension, $extensionsFromMimeType) && !in_array($mimeType, $this->whitelistMimeTypes)) {
        throw new Exception("The given file extension \"{$fileInfo->extension}\" for file with mimeType \"{$mimeType}\" is not matching any valid extension: ".VarDumper::dumpAsString($extensionsFromMimeType).".");
    foreach ($extensionsFromMimeType as $extension) {
        if (in_array($extension, $this->dangerousExtensions)) {
            throw new Exception("The file extension '{$extension}' seems to be dangerous and can not be stored.");
    // check whether a mimetype is in the dangerousMimeTypes list and not whitelisted in whitelistMimeTypes.
    if (in_array($mimeType, $this->dangerousMimeTypes) && !in_array($mimeType, $this->whitelistMimeTypes)) {
        throw new Exception("The file mimeType '{$mimeType}' seems to be dangerous and can not be stored.");
    return [
        'fileInfo' => $fileInfo,
        'mimeType' => $mimeType,
        'fileName' => $fileName,
        'secureFileName' => Inflector::slug(str_replace('_', '-', $fileInfo->name), '-'),
        'fileSource' => $fileSource,
        'fileSize' => filesize($fileSource),
        'extension' => $fileInfo->extension,
        'hashName' => FileHelper::hashName($fileName),

fileAbsoluteHttpPath() public abstract method (available since version 1.2.0)

Return the absolute http path for a given file on the file system.

public abstract void fileAbsoluteHttpPath ( $fileName )
$fileName string

The name of the file on the filesystem (like: my_example_1234.jpg without path infos), the $fileName is used as identifier on the filesystem.

                abstract public function fileAbsoluteHttpPath($fileName);

fileHttpPath() public abstract method (available since version 1.2.0)

Return the http path for a given file on the file system.

public abstract void fileHttpPath ( $fileName )
$fileName string

The name of the file on the filesystem (like: my_example_1234.jpg without path infos), the $fileName is used as identifier on the filesystem.

                abstract public function fileHttpPath($fileName);

fileServerPath() public abstract method

Returns the path internal server path to the given file on the file system.

public abstract void fileServerPath ( $fileName )
$fileName string

The name of the file on the filesystem (like: my_example_1234.jpg without path infos), the $fileName is used as identifier on the filesystem.

                abstract public function fileServerPath($fileName);

fileSystemContent() public abstract method (available since version 1.2.0)

Get the content of the file on the given file system.

public abstract void fileSystemContent ( $fileName )
$fileName string

The name of the file on the filesystem (like: my_example_1234.jpg without path infos), the $fileName is used as identifier on the filesystem.

                abstract public function fileSystemContent($fileName);

fileSystemDeleteFile() public abstract method

Delete a given file source on the filesystem.

public abstract boolean fileSystemDeleteFile ( $fileName )
$fileName string

The name of the file on the filesystem (like: my_example_1234.jpg without path infos), the $fileName is used as identifier on the filesystem.

return boolean

Whether the file has been deleted or not.

                abstract public function fileSystemDeleteFile($fileName);

fileSystemExists() public abstract method (available since version 1.2.0)

Check if the file exists on the given file system.

public abstract void fileSystemExists ( $fileName )
$fileName string

The name of the file on the filesystem (like: my_example_1234.jpg without path infos), the $fileName is used as identifier on the filesystem.

                abstract public function fileSystemExists($fileName);

fileSystemReplaceFile() public abstract method

Replace an existing file source with a new one on the filesystem.

public abstract boolean fileSystemReplaceFile ( $fileName, $newSource )
$fileName string

The name of the file on the filesystem (like: my_example_1234.jpg without path infos), the $fileName is used as identifier on the filesystem.

$newSource string

The absolute file source path and filename, like /tmp/upload/myfile.jpg.

return boolean

Whether the file has replaced stored or not.

                abstract public function fileSystemReplaceFile($fileName, $newSource);

fileSystemSaveFile() public abstract method

Save the given file source as a new file with the given fileName on the filesystem.

public abstract boolean fileSystemSaveFile ( $source, $fileName )
$source string

The absolute file source path and filename, like /tmp/upload/myfile.jpg.

$fileName string

The name of the file on the filesystem (like: my_example_1234.jpg without path infos), the $fileName is used as identifier on the filesystem.

return boolean

Whether the file has been stored or not.

                abstract public function fileSystemSaveFile($source, $fileName);

fileSystemStream() public abstract method (available since version 4.0.0)

Generate a stream/resource for the file to download

public abstract resource fileSystemStream ( $fileName )
$fileName string

                abstract public function fileSystemStream($fileName);

findFile() public method

Get a single file based on a where condition.

This method returns a single file matching the where condition, if the multiple results match the condition the first one will be picked.

See {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where}} for condition informations.

public luya\admin\file\Item findFile ( array $args )
$args array

An array with conditions to match e.g. ['is_hidden' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0].

return luya\admin\file\Item

The file item object.

                public function findFile(array $args)
    return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->where($args)->one();

findFiles() public method

Get an array with all files based on a where condition.

This method returns an array with files matching there $args array condition. If no argument is provided all files will be returned.

See {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where}} for condition informations.

public luya\admin\file\Iterator findFiles ( array $args = [] )
$args array

An array with conditions to match e.g. ['is_hidden' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0].

return luya\admin\file\Iterator

An iterator object containing all files found for the condition provided.

                public function findFiles(array $args = [])
    return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->where($args)->all();

findFolder() public method

Get a single folder based on a where condition.

This method returns a single fpöder matching the where condition, if the multiple results match the condition the first one will be picked.

See {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where()}} for condition informations.

public luya\admin\folder\Item findFolder ( array $args = [] )
$args array

An array with conditions to match e.g. ['is_hidden' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0].

return luya\admin\folder\Item

The folder item object.

                public function findFolder(array $args = [])
    return (new \luya\admin\folder\Query())->where($args)->one();

findFolders() public method

Get an array with all folders based on a where condition.

If no argument is provided all images will be returned.

See {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where()}} for condition informations.

public luya\admin\folder\Iterator findFolders ( array $args = [] )
$args array

An array with conditions to match e.g. ['is_hidden' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0].

return luya\admin\folder\Iterator

An iterator object containing all image found for the condition provided.

                public function findFolders(array $args = [])
    return (new \luya\admin\folder\Query())->where($args)->all();

findImage() public method

Get a single image based on a where condition.

This method returns a single image matching the where condition, if the multiple results match the condition the first one will be picked.

See {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where()}} for condition informations.

public luya\admin\image\Item findImage ( array $args = [] )
$args array

An array with conditions to match e.g. ['is_hidden' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0].

return luya\admin\image\Item

The file item object.

                public function findImage(array $args = [])
    return (new \luya\admin\image\Query())->where($args)->one();

findImages() public method

Get an array with all images based on a where condition.

This method returns an array with images matching there $args array condition. If no argument is provided all images will be returned.

See {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where()}} for condition informations.

public luya\admin\image\Iterator findImages ( array $args = [] )
$args array

An array with conditions to match e.g. ['is_hidden' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0].

return luya\admin\image\Iterator

An iterator object containing all image found for the condition provided.

                public function findImages(array $args = [])
    return (new \luya\admin\image\Query())->where($args)->all();

flushArrays() public method

Will force to refresh all container arrays and clean up the cache

public void flushArrays ( )

                public function flushArrays()
    $this->_filesArray = null;
    $this->_imagesArray = null;
    $this->_foldersArray = null;
    $this->_filtersArray = null;

flushHasCache() public method

Defined in: luya\traits\CacheableTrait::flushHasCache()

Deletes all values from cache.

public boolean flushHasCache ( )
return boolean

Whether the flush operation was successful.

                public function flushHasCache()
    if ($this->isCachable()) {
        return Yii::$app->cache->flush();
    return false;

flushImageArray() public method (available since version 1.2.3)

Flush only images array and image cache.

public void flushImageArray ( )

                public function flushImageArray()

getBehavior() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::getBehavior()

Returns the named behavior object.

public yii\base\Behavior|null getBehavior ( $name )
$name string

The behavior name

return yii\base\Behavior|null

The behavior object, or null if the behavior does not exist

                public function getBehavior($name)
    return isset($this->_behaviors[$name]) ? $this->_behaviors[$name] : null;

getBehaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::getBehaviors()

Returns all behaviors attached to this component.

public yii\base\Behavior[] getBehaviors ( )
return yii\base\Behavior[]

List of behaviors attached to this component

                public function getBehaviors()
    return $this->_behaviors;

getFile() public method

Get a single file based on the ID.

If not found false is returned.

public luya\admin\file\Item|boolean getFile ( $fileId )
$fileId integer

The requested storage file id.

return luya\admin\file\Item|boolean

The file object or false if not found.

                public function getFile($fileId)
    return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->findOne($fileId);

getFilesArray() public method

Get all storage files as an array from database.

This method is used to retrieve all files from the database and indexed by file key.

public array getFilesArray ( )
return array

An array with all storage files indexed by the file id.

                public function getFilesArray()
    if ($this->_filesArray === null) {
        $this->_filesArray = $this->getQueryCacheHelper((new Query())->from('{{%admin_storage_file}}')->select(['id', 'is_hidden', 'is_deleted', 'folder_id', 'name_original', 'name_new', 'name_new_compound', 'mime_type', 'extension', 'hash_name', 'hash_file', 'upload_timestamp', 'file_size', 'upload_user_id', 'caption'])->indexBy('id'), self::CACHE_KEY_FILE);
    return $this->_filesArray;

getFilesArrayItem() public method

Get a single file by file id from the files array.

public boolean|array getFilesArrayItem ( $fileId )
$fileId integer

The file id to find.

return boolean|array

The file array or false if not found.

                public function getFilesArrayItem($fileId)
    return $this->filesArray[$fileId] ?? false;

getFilterId() public method (available since version

Get the filter id based on the identifier.

This is a short hand method as its used very often

public integer getFilterId ( $identifier )
$identifier string

                public function getFilterId($identifier)
    $filter = $this->getFiltersArrayItem($identifier);
    return $filter ? (int) $filter['id'] : false;

getFiltersArray() public method

Get all storage filters as an array from database.

This method is used to retrieve all filters from the database and indexed by filter identifier key.

public array getFiltersArray ( )
return array

An array with all storage filters indexed by the filter identifier.

                public function getFiltersArray()
    if ($this->_filtersArray === null) {
        $this->_filtersArray = $this->getQueryCacheHelper((new Query())->from('{{%admin_storage_filter}}')->select(['id', 'identifier', 'name'])->indexBy('identifier')->orderBy(['name' => SORT_ASC]), self::CACHE_KEY_FILTER);
    return $this->_filtersArray;

getFiltersArrayItem() public method

Get a single filter by filter identifier from the filters array.

public boolean|array getFiltersArrayItem ( $filterIdentifier )
$filterIdentifier integer

The filter identifier to find use {{luya\admin\base\Filter::identifier()}} method.

return boolean|array

The filter array or false if not found.

                public function getFiltersArrayItem($filterIdentifier)
    return $this->filtersArray[$filterIdentifier] ?? false;

getFolder() public method

Get a single folder based on the ID.

If not found false is returned.

public luya\admin\folder\Item|boolean getFolder ( $folderId )
$folderId integer

The requested storage folder id.

return luya\admin\folder\Item|boolean

The folder object or false if not found.

                public function getFolder($folderId)
    return (new \luya\admin\folder\Query())->where(['id' => $folderId])->one();

getFoldersArray() public method

Get all storage folders as an array from database.

This method is used to retrieve all folders from the database and indexed by folder key.

public array getFoldersArray ( )
return array

An array with all storage folders indexed by the folder id.

                public function getFoldersArray()
    if ($this->_foldersArray === null) {
        $query = (new Query())
            ->from('{{%admin_storage_folder}} as folder')
            ->select(['folder.id', 'name', 'parent_id', 'timestamp_create', 'COUNT(file.id) filesCount'])
            ->where(['folder.is_deleted' => false])
            ->orderBy(['name' => SORT_ASC, 'parent_id' => SORT_ASC])
            ->leftJoin('{{%admin_storage_file}} as file', 'folder.id=file.folder_id AND file.is_deleted = :deleted', [':deleted' => false])
        $this->_foldersArray = $this->getQueryCacheHelper($query, self::CACHE_KEY_FOLDER);
    return $this->_foldersArray;

getFoldersArrayItem() public method

Get a single folder by folder id from the folders array.

public boolean|array getFoldersArrayItem ( $folderId )
$folderId integer

The folder id to find.

return boolean|array

The folder array or false if not found.

                public function getFoldersArrayItem($folderId)
    return $this->foldersArray[$folderId] ?? false;

getHasCache() public method

Defined in: luya\traits\CacheableTrait::getHasCache()

Get the caching data if caching is allowed and there is any data stored for this key.

public mixed|boolean getHasCache ( $key )
$key string|array

The identifiere key, can be a string or an array which will be calculated.

return mixed|boolean

Returns the data, if not found returns false.

                public function getHasCache($key)
    if ($this->isCachable()) {
        $data = Yii::$app->cache->get($key);
        $enumKey = (is_array($key)) ? implode(",", $key) : $key;
        if ($data) {
            Yii::debug("Cacheable trait key '$enumKey' successfully loaded from cache.", __METHOD__);
            return $data;
        Yii::debug("Cacheable trait key '$enumKey' has not been found in cache.", __METHOD__);

    return false;

getImage() public method

Get a single image based on the ID.

If not found false is returned.

public luya\admin\image\Item|boolean getImage ( $imageId )
$imageId integer

The requested storage image id.

return luya\admin\image\Item|boolean

The image object or false if not found.

                public function getImage($imageId)
    return (new \luya\admin\image\Query())->findOne($imageId);

getImagesArray() public method

Get all storage images as an array from database.

This method is used to retrieve all images from the database and indexed by image key.

public array getImagesArray ( )
return array

An array with all storage images indexed by the image id.

                public function getImagesArray()
    if ($this->_imagesArray === null) {
        $this->_imagesArray = $this->getQueryCacheHelper((new Query())->from('{{%admin_storage_image}}')->select(['id', 'file_id', 'filter_id', 'resolution_width', 'resolution_height'])->indexBy('id'), self::CACHE_KEY_IMAGE);
    return $this->_imagesArray;

getImagesArrayItem() public method

Get a single image by image id from the files array.

public boolean|array getImagesArrayItem ( $imageId )
$imageId integer

The image id to find.

return boolean|array

The image array or false if not found.

                public function getImagesArrayItem($imageId)
    return $this->imagesArray[$imageId] ?? false;

getOrSetHasCache() public method

Defined in: luya\traits\CacheableTrait::getOrSetHasCache()

Method combines both setHasCache() and getHasCache() methods to retrieve value identified by a $key, or to store the result of $closure execution if there is no cache available for the $key.

Usage example:

use CacheableTrait;

public function getTopProducts($count = 10)
    return $this->getOrSetHasCache(['top-n-products', 'n' => $count], function ($cache) use ($count) {
        return Products::find()->mostPopular()->limit(10)->all();
    }, 1000);
public mixed getOrSetHasCache ( $key, Closure $closure, $duration null, $dependency null )
$key mixed

A key identifying the value to be cached. This can be a simple string or a complex data structure consisting of factors representing the key.

$closure Closure

The closure that will be used to generate a value to be cached. In case $closure returns false, the value will not be cached.

$duration integer

Default duration in seconds before the cache will expire. If not set, defaultDuration value will be used. 0 means never expire.

$dependency yii\caching\Dependency

Dependency of the cached item. If the dependency changes, the corresponding value in the cache will be invalidated when it is fetched via get(). This parameter is ignored if serializer is false.

return mixed

Result of $closure execution

                public function getOrSetHasCache($key, \Closure $closure, $duration = null, $dependency = null)
    if (($value = $this->getHasCache($key)) !== false) {
        return $value;
    $value = call_user_func($closure, $this);
    $this->setHasCache($key, $value, $dependency, $duration);
    return $value;

hasEventHandlers() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasEventHandlers()

Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event.

public boolean hasEventHandlers ( $name )
$name string

The event name

return boolean

Whether there is any handler attached to the event.

                public function hasEventHandlers($name)
    if (!empty($this->_events[$name])) {
        return true;
    foreach ($this->_eventWildcards as $wildcard => $handlers) {
        if (!empty($handlers) && StringHelper::matchWildcard($wildcard, $name)) {
            return true;
    return Event::hasHandlers($this, $name);

hasMethod() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasMethod()

Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.

A method is defined if:

  • the class has a method with the specified name
  • an attached behavior has a method with the given name (when $checkBehaviors is true).
public boolean hasMethod ( $name, $checkBehaviors true )
$name string

The property name

$checkBehaviors boolean

Whether to treat behaviors' methods as methods of this component

return boolean

Whether the method is defined

                public function hasMethod($name, $checkBehaviors = true)
    if (method_exists($this, $name)) {
        return true;
    } elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
        foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
            if ($behavior->hasMethod($name)) {
                return true;
    return false;

hasProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component.

A property is defined if:

  • the class has a getter or setter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);
  • an attached behavior has a property of the given name (when $checkBehaviors is true).

See also:

public boolean hasProperty ( $name, $checkVars true, $checkBehaviors true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

$checkBehaviors boolean

Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component

return boolean

Whether the property is defined

                public function hasProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
    return $this->canGetProperty($name, $checkVars, $checkBehaviors) || $this->canSetProperty($name, false, $checkBehaviors);

init() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::init()

Initializes the object.

This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration.

public void init ( )

                public function init()

isCachable() public method

Defined in: luya\traits\CacheableTrait::isCachable()

Check if the current configuration of the application and the property allows a caching of the language container data.

public boolean isCachable ( )

                public function isCachable()
    if ($this->_cachable === null) {
        $this->_cachable = Yii::$app->has('cache') ? true : false;

    return $this->_cachable;

off() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::off()

Detaches an existing event handler from this component.

This method is the opposite of on().

Note: in case wildcard pattern is passed for event name, only the handlers registered with this wildcard will be removed, while handlers registered with plain names matching this wildcard will remain.

See also on().

public boolean off ( $name, $handler null )
$name string

Event name

$handler callable|null

The event handler to be removed. If it is null, all handlers attached to the named event will be removed.

return boolean

If a handler is found and detached

                public function off($name, $handler = null)
    if (empty($this->_events[$name]) && empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
        return false;
    if ($handler === null) {
        unset($this->_events[$name], $this->_eventWildcards[$name]);
        return true;
    $removed = false;
    // plain event names
    if (isset($this->_events[$name])) {
        foreach ($this->_events[$name] as $i => $event) {
            if ($event[0] === $handler) {
                $removed = true;
        if ($removed) {
            $this->_events[$name] = array_values($this->_events[$name]);
            return true;
    // wildcard event names
    if (isset($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
        foreach ($this->_eventWildcards[$name] as $i => $event) {
            if ($event[0] === $handler) {
                $removed = true;
        if ($removed) {
            $this->_eventWildcards[$name] = array_values($this->_eventWildcards[$name]);
            // remove empty wildcards to save future redundant regex checks:
            if (empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
    return $removed;

on() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::on()

Attaches an event handler to an event.

The event handler must be a valid PHP callback. The following are some examples:

function ($event) { ... }         // anonymous function
[$object, 'handleClick']          // $object->handleClick()
['Page', 'handleClick']           // Page::handleClick()
'handleClick'                     // global function handleClick()

The event handler must be defined with the following signature,

function ($event)

where $event is an yii\base\Event object which includes parameters associated with the event.

Since 2.0.14 you can specify event name as a wildcard pattern:

$component->on('event.group.*', function ($event) {
    Yii::trace($event->name . ' is triggered.');

See also off().

public void on ( $name, $handler, $data null, $append true )
$name string

The event name

$handler callable

The event handler

$data mixed

The data to be passed to the event handler when the event is triggered. When the event handler is invoked, this data can be accessed via yii\base\Event::$data.

$append boolean

Whether to append new event handler to the end of the existing handler list. If false, the new handler will be inserted at the beginning of the existing handler list.

                public function on($name, $handler, $data = null, $append = true)
    if (strpos($name, '*') !== false) {
        if ($append || empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
            $this->_eventWildcards[$name][] = [$handler, $data];
        } else {
            array_unshift($this->_eventWildcards[$name], [$handler, $data]);
    if ($append || empty($this->_events[$name])) {
        $this->_events[$name][] = [$handler, $data];
    } else {
        array_unshift($this->_events[$name], [$handler, $data]);

processThumbnails() public method

This method allwos you to generate all thumbnails for the file manager, you can trigger this process when importing or creating several images at once, so the user does not have to create the thumbnails

public boolean processThumbnails ( )

                public function processThumbnails()
    foreach ($this->findFiles(['is_hidden' => false, 'is_deleted' => false]) as $file) {
        if ($file->isImage) {
            // create tiny thumbnail
            $this->createImage($file->id, $this->getFilterId(TinyCrop::identifier()));
            $this->createImage($file->id, $this->getFilterId(MediumThumbnail::identifier()));
    // force auto fix
    $this->autoFixMissingImageSources = true;
    foreach ($this->findImages() as $image) {
        if (!empty($image->file) && !$image->file->isHidden && !$image->file->isDeleted) {
            $image->source; // which forces to recreate missing sources.
    return true;

setFilesArray() public method

Setter method for fiels array.

This is mainly used when working with unit tests.

public void setFilesArray ( array $files )
$files array

                public function setFilesArray(array $files)
    $this->_filesArray = $files;

setFiltersArray() public method

Setter method for filters array.

This is mainly used when working with unit tests.

public void setFiltersArray ( array $filters )
$filters array

                public function setFiltersArray(array $filters)
    $this->_filtersArray = $filters;

setHasCache() public method

Defined in: luya\traits\CacheableTrait::setHasCache()

Store cache data for a specific key if caching is enabled in this application.

public boolean setHasCache ( $key, $value, $dependency null, $cacheExpiration null )
$key string|array

The identifier key or a array to store complex keys

$value mixed

The value to store in the cache component.

$dependency yii\caching\Dependency|array

Dependency of the cached item. If the dependency changes, the corresponding value in the cache will be invalidated when it is fetched via get(). This parameter is ignored if $serializer is false. You can also define an array with defintion which will generate the Object instead of object is provided.


Integer The time in seconds before the cache data expires, 0 means never expire.

return boolean

Whether set has been success or not

                public function setHasCache($key, $value, $dependency = null, $cacheExpiration = null)
    if ($this->isCachable()) {
        if (is_array($dependency)) {
            $dependency = Yii::createObject($dependency);
        return Yii::$app->cache->set($key, $value, is_null($cacheExpiration) ? $this->_cacheExpiration : $cacheExpiration, $dependency);
    return false;

setImagesArray() public method

Setter method for images array.

This is mainly used when working with unit tests.

public void setImagesArray ( array $images )
$images array

                public function setImagesArray(array $images)
    $this->_imagesArray = $images;

trigger() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::trigger()

Triggers an event.

This method represents the happening of an event. It invokes all attached handlers for the event including class-level handlers.

public void trigger ( $name, yii\base\Event $event null )
$name string

The event name

$event yii\base\Event|null

The event instance. If not set, a default yii\base\Event object will be created.

                public function trigger($name, Event $event = null)
    $eventHandlers = [];
    foreach ($this->_eventWildcards as $wildcard => $handlers) {
        if (StringHelper::matchWildcard($wildcard, $name)) {
            $eventHandlers[] = $handlers;
    if (!empty($this->_events[$name])) {
        $eventHandlers[] = $this->_events[$name];
    if (!empty($eventHandlers)) {
        $eventHandlers = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $eventHandlers);
        if ($event === null) {
            $event = new Event();
        if ($event->sender === null) {
            $event->sender = $this;
        $event->handled = false;
        $event->name = $name;
        foreach ($eventHandlers as $handler) {
            $event->data = $handler[1];
            call_user_func($handler[0], $event);
            // stop further handling if the event is handled
            if ($event->handled) {
    // invoke class-level attached handlers
    Event::trigger($this, $name, $event);