Class luya\admin\helpers\I18n

Available since version1.0.0
Source Code

I18n Encode/Decode helper method

General infos about the provided methods:

  • decode: Means the input must be raw json code which will be decoded.
  • array suffix: Input must be an array of values and output will be an array of values.
  • findActive: The value for a given language is returned, if no language is provided the admin ui language is used.

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
decode() Decode from Json to PHP luya\admin\helpers\I18n
decodeArray() Decode an array with i18n values. luya\admin\helpers\I18n
decodeFindActive() Decodes a json string and returns the current active language item. luya\admin\helpers\I18n
decodeFindActiveArray() Decodes an array with json strings and returns the current active language item for each entry. luya\admin\helpers\I18n
encode() Encode from PHP to Json luya\admin\helpers\I18n
findActive() Find the corresponding element inside an array for the current active language. luya\admin\helpers\I18n
findActiveArray() Find the corresponding element inside an array for the current active language luya\admin\helpers\I18n

Method Details

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decode() public static method

Decode from Json to PHP

public static array decode ( $value, $onEmptyValue '' )
$value string|array

The value to decode from json to php.

$onEmptyValue string

Defines the value if the language could not be found and a value will be returns, this value will be used.

return array

Return the decoded php value.

                public static function decode($value, $onEmptyValue = '')
    $languages = Yii::$app->adminLanguage->getLanguages();
    // if its not already unserialized, decode it
    if (!is_array($value) && !empty($value)) {
        try {
            $value = Json::decode($value);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            $value = [];
    // if value is empty, we create an empty array
    if (empty($value)) {
        $value = [];
    // fall back for not transformed values
    if (!is_array($value)) {
        $value = (array) $value;
    // add all not existing languages to the array (for example a language has been added after the database item has been created)
    foreach ($languages as $lang) {
        if (!array_key_exists($lang['short_code'], $value)) {
            $value[$lang['short_code']] = $onEmptyValue;
        } elseif (empty($value[$lang['short_code']])) {
            $value[$lang['short_code']] = $onEmptyValue;
    return $value;

decodeArray() public static method

Decode an array with i18n values.

In order to decode an arry with json values you can use this function istead of iterator trough the array items by yourself and calling {{luya\admin\helpers\I18n::decode}}.

$array = ['{"de:"Hallo","en":"Hello"}', '{"de:"Ja","en":"Yes"}'];

$decoded = I18n::decodeArray($array);

print_r($decoded); // dump: array(['de' => 'Hallo', 'en' => 'Hello'], ['de' => 'Ja', 'en' => 'Yes']);
public static array decodeArray ( array $array, $onEmptyValue '' )
$array array

The array to iterate trough and call the {{luya\admin\helpers\I18n::decode}} for each value.

$onEmptyValue string

If the decoded value is not existing or empty, this default value will be used instead of null.

                public static function decodeArray(array $array, $onEmptyValue = '')
    $decoded = [];
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        $decoded[$key] = static::decode($value, $onEmptyValue);
    return $decoded;

decodeFindActive() public static method

Decodes a json string and returns the current active language item.

// assume the default language is `en`
$output = I18n::decodeFindActive('{"de":"Hallo","en":"Hello"}');

echo $output; // output is "Hello"
public static string decodeFindActive ( $input, $onEmptyValue '', $lang null )
$input string

The json string

$onEmptyValue string

If element is not found, this value is returned instead.

$lang string

The language to return, if no lang is provided, the language resolved trough the admin ui (or user language) is used by default.

return string

The value from the json for the current active language or if not found the value from onEmptyValue.

                public static function decodeFindActive($input, $onEmptyValue = '', $lang = null)
    return static::findActive(static::decode($input, $onEmptyValue), $onEmptyValue, $lang);

decodeFindActiveArray() public static method

Decodes an array with json strings and returns the current active language item for each entry.

// assume the default language is `en`
$output = I18n::decodeFindActiveArray(['{"de":"Hallo","en":"Hello"}'], ['{"de":"Katze","en":"Cat"}']);

var_dump($output); // dump: array('Hello', 'Cat')
public static array decodeFindActiveArray ( array $input, $onEmptyValue '', $lang null )
$input array
$onEmptyValue mixed

The value to use when the requested language could not be found.

$lang string

The language to return, if no lang is provided, the language resolved trough the admin ui (or user language) is used by default.

                public static function decodeFindActiveArray(array $input, $onEmptyValue = '', $lang = null)
    return static::findActiveArray(static::decodeArray($input, $onEmptyValue), $onEmptyValue, $lang);

encode() public static method

Encode from PHP to Json

public static string encode ( $value )
$value string|array

The value to encode from php to json.

return string

Returns the json encoded string.

                public static function encode($value)
    return is_array($value) ? Json::encode($value) : $value;

findActive() public static method

Find the corresponding element inside an array for the current active language.

// assume the default language is `en`
$output = I18n::findActive(['de' => 'Hallo', 'en' => 'Hello']);

echo $output; // output is "Hello"
public static mixed findActive ( array $fieldValues, $onEmptyValue '', $lang null )
$fieldValues array

The array you want to to find the current

$onEmptyValue mixed

The value you can set when the language could not be found

$lang string

The language to return, if no lang is provided, the language resolved trough the admin ui (or user language) is used by default.

                public static function findActive(array $fieldValues, $onEmptyValue = '', $lang = null)
    $langShortCode = $lang ?: Yii::$app->adminLanguage->getActiveShortCode();
    return array_key_exists($langShortCode, $fieldValues) ? $fieldValues[$langShortCode] : $onEmptyValue;

findActiveArray() public static method

Find the corresponding element inside an array for the current active language

// assume the default language is `en`
$output = I18n::findActiveArray([
    ['de' => 'Hallo', 'en' => 'Hello'],
    ['de' => 'Katze', 'en' => 'Cat'],

var_dump($output); // dump: array('Hello', 'Cat')
public static array findActiveArray ( array $array, $onEmptyValue '', $lang null )
$onEmptyValue mixed

The value you can set when the language could not be found.

$lang string

The language to return, if no lang is provided, the language resolved trough the admin ui (or user language) is used by default.

                public static function findActiveArray(array $array, $onEmptyValue = '', $lang = null)
    $output = [];
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        $output[$key] = static::findActive($value, $onEmptyValue, $lang);
    return $output;