Class luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper

Available since version1.0.0
Source Code

Exporting into Formats.

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
csv() Export an Array or QueryInterface instance into a CSV formated string. luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper
sanitizeValue() Sanitize Certain Values to increase security from user generated output. luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper
xlsx() Export an Array or QueryInterface instance into a Excel formatted string. luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
generateContentArray() Generate content by rows. luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper
generateOutputString() Generate the output string with delimiters. luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper
generateRow() Generate a row by its items. luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper
transformInput() Check type of input and return correct array. luya\yii\helpers\ExportHelper

Method Details

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csv() public static method

Export an Array or QueryInterface instance into a CSV formated string.

public static string csv ( $input, array $keys = [], $header true, array $options = [] )
$input array|yii\db\QueryInterface

The data to export into a csv

$keys array

Defines which keys should be packed into the generated CSV. The defined keys does not change the sort behavior of the generated csv.

$header boolean

Whether the column name should be set as header inside the csv or not.

$options array


  • sort: boolean, whether they row should be sorted by its keys, default is true.
return string

The generated CSV as string.

                public static function csv($input, array $keys = [], $header = true, array $options = [])
    $delimiter = ",";
    $input = self::transformInput($input);
    $array = self::generateContentArray($input, $keys, $header, $options);
    return self::generateOutputString($array, $delimiter);

generateContentArray() protected static method

Generate content by rows.

protected static array generateContentArray ( $contentRows, array $keys, $generateHeader true, $options = [] )
$contentRows array|string
$keys array
$generateHeader boolean
$options array


  • sort: boolean, whether they row should be sorted by its keys, default is true.
throws luya\Exception

                protected static function generateContentArray($contentRows, array $keys, $generateHeader = true, $options  = [])
    if (is_scalar($contentRows)) {
        throw new Exception("Content must be either an array, object or traversable.");
    $attributeKeys = $keys;
    $header = [];
    $rows = [];
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($contentRows as $content) {
        // handle rows content
        if (!empty($keys) && is_array($content)) {
            foreach ($content as $k => $v) {
                if (!in_array($k, $keys)) {
        } elseif (!empty($keys) && is_object($content)) {
            $attributeKeys[get_class($content)] = $keys;
        $row = ArrayHelper::toArray($content, $attributeKeys, false);
        if (ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'sort', true)) {
        $rows[$i] = $row;
        // handle header
        if ($i == 0 && $generateHeader) {
            if ($content instanceof Model) {
                /** @var Model $content */
                foreach ($content as $k => $v) {
                    if (empty($keys)) {
                        $header[$k] = $content->getAttributeLabel($k);
                    } elseif (in_array($k, $keys)) {
                        $header[$k] = $content->getAttributeLabel($k);
            } else {
                $header = array_keys($rows[0]);
            if (ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'sort', true)) {
    if ($generateHeader) {
        return ArrayHelper::merge([$header], $rows);
    return $rows;

generateOutputString() protected static method

Generate the output string with delimiters.

protected static null|string generateOutputString ( array $input, $delimiter )
$input array
$delimiter string

                protected static function generateOutputString(array $input, $delimiter)
    $output = null;
    foreach ($input as $row) {
        $output.= self::generateRow($row, $delimiter, '"');
    return $output;

generateRow() protected static method

Generate a row by its items.

protected static string generateRow ( array $row, $delimiter, $enclose )
$row array
$delimiter string
$enclose string

                protected static function generateRow(array $row, $delimiter, $enclose)
    array_walk($row, function (&$item) use ($enclose) {
        if (is_bool($item)) {
            $item = (int) $item;
        } elseif (is_null($item)) {
            $item = '';
        } elseif (!is_scalar($item)) {
            $item = "[array]";
        $item = $enclose.self::sanitizeValue($item).$enclose;
    return implode($delimiter, $row) . PHP_EOL;

sanitizeValue() public static method (available since version 1.2.1)

Sanitize Certain Values to increase security from user generated output.

See also

public static string sanitizeValue ( $value )
$value string

                public static function sanitizeValue($value)
    $value = str_replace([
    ], [
    ], trim($value));
    $firstChar = substr($value, 0, 1);
    if (in_array($firstChar, ['=', '+', '-', '@', PHP_EOL, "\t", "\n"])) {
        $value = StringHelper::replaceFirst($firstChar, "'$firstChar", $value);
    return $value;

transformInput() protected static method

Check type of input and return correct array.

protected static array transformInput ( $input )
$input array|yii\db\QueryInterface

                protected static function transformInput($input)
    if ($input instanceof QueryInterface) {
        return $input->all();
    return $input;

xlsx() public static method

Export an Array or QueryInterface instance into a Excel formatted string.

public static mixed xlsx ( $input, array $keys = [], $header true, array $options = [] )
$input array|yii\db\QueryInterface
$keys array

Defines which keys should be packed into the generated xlsx. The defined keys does not change the sort behavior of the generated xls.

$header boolean
$options array


  • sort: boolean, whether they row should be sorted by its keys, default is true.
throws luya\Exception

                public static function xlsx($input, array $keys = [], $header = true, array $options = [])
    $input = self::transformInput($input);
    $array = self::generateContentArray($input, $keys, $header, $options);
    $writer = new XLSXWriter();
    return $writer->writeToString();