Class luya\yii\helpers\XLSXWriter

Source Code


Hide inherited constants

Constant Value Description Defined By
EXCEL_2007_MAX_COL 16384 luya\yii\helpers\XLSXWriter
EXCEL_2007_MAX_ROW 1048576 luya\yii\helpers\XLSXWriter

Property Details

Hide inherited properties

$author protected property
protected $author null
$cell_styles protected property
protected $cell_styles = []
$company protected property
protected $company null
$current_sheet protected property
protected $current_sheet null
$description protected property
protected $description null
$keywords protected property
protected $keywords = []
$number_formats protected property
protected $number_formats = []
$sheets protected property
protected $sheets = []
$subject protected property
protected $subject null
$temp_files protected property
protected $temp_files = []
$tempdir protected property
protected $tempdir null
$title protected property
protected $title null

Method Details

Hide inherited methods

__construct() public method

public void __construct ( )

                public function __construct()
    if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) {
        //using date functions can kick out warning if this isn't set
    $this->addCellStyle($number_format = 'GENERAL', $style_string = null);
    $this->addCellStyle($number_format = 'GENERAL', $style_string = null);
    $this->addCellStyle($number_format = 'GENERAL', $style_string = null);
    $this->addCellStyle($number_format = 'GENERAL', $style_string = null);

__destruct() public method

public void __destruct ( )

                public function __destruct()
    if (!empty($this->temp_files)) {
        foreach ($this->temp_files as $temp_file) {

add_to_list_get_index() public static method

public static void add_to_list_get_index ( &$haystack, $needle )

                public static function add_to_list_get_index(&$haystack, $needle)
    $existing_idx = array_search($needle, $haystack, $strict = true);
    if ($existing_idx === false) {
        $existing_idx = is_countable($haystack) ? count($haystack) : 0;
        $haystack[] = $needle;
    return $existing_idx;

array_first_key() public static method

public static void array_first_key ( array $arr )

                public static function array_first_key(array $arr)
    $first_key = array_key_first($arr);
    return $first_key;

buildAppXML() protected method

protected void buildAppXML ( )

                protected function buildAppXML()
    $app_xml = "";
    $app_xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n";
    $app_xml .= '<Properties xmlns="" xmlns:vt="">';
    $app_xml .= '<TotalTime>0</TotalTime>';
    $app_xml .= '<Company>' . self::xmlspecialchars($this->company) . '</Company>';
    $app_xml .= '</Properties>';
    return $app_xml;

buildContentTypesXML() protected method

protected void buildContentTypesXML ( )

                protected function buildContentTypesXML()
    $content_types_xml = "";
    $content_types_xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
    $content_types_xml .= '<Types xmlns="">';
    $content_types_xml .= '<Override PartName="/_rels/.rels" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"/>';
    $content_types_xml .= '<Override PartName="/xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"/>';
    foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet_name => $sheet) {
        $content_types_xml .= '<Override PartName="/xl/worksheets/' . ($sheet->xmlname) . '" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml"/>';
    $content_types_xml .= '<Override PartName="/xl/workbook.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml"/>';
    $content_types_xml .= '<Override PartName="/xl/styles.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml"/>';
    $content_types_xml .= '<Override PartName="/docProps/app.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml"/>';
    $content_types_xml .= '<Override PartName="/docProps/core.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"/>';
    $content_types_xml .= "\n";
    $content_types_xml .= '</Types>';
    return $content_types_xml;

buildCoreXML() protected method

protected void buildCoreXML ( )

                protected function buildCoreXML()
    $core_xml = "";
    $core_xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n";
    $core_xml .= '<cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcmitype="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="">';
    $core_xml .= '<dcterms:created xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">' . date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.00\Z") . '</dcterms:created>';//$date_time = '2014-10-25T15:54:37.00Z';
    $core_xml .= '<dc:title>' . self::xmlspecialchars($this->title) . '</dc:title>';
    $core_xml .= '<dc:subject>' . self::xmlspecialchars($this->subject) . '</dc:subject>';
    $core_xml .= '<dc:creator>' . self::xmlspecialchars($this->author) . '</dc:creator>';
    if (!empty($this->keywords)) {
        $core_xml .= '<cp:keywords>' . self::xmlspecialchars(implode(
            ", ",
        )) . '</cp:keywords>';
    $core_xml .= '<dc:description>' . self::xmlspecialchars($this->description) . '</dc:description>';
    $core_xml .= '<cp:revision>0</cp:revision>';
    $core_xml .= '</cp:coreProperties>';
    return $core_xml;

buildRelationshipsXML() protected method

protected void buildRelationshipsXML ( )

                protected function buildRelationshipsXML()
    $rels_xml = "";
    $rels_xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
    $rels_xml .= '<Relationships xmlns="">';
    $rels_xml .= '<Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" Target="xl/workbook.xml"/>';
    $rels_xml .= '<Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="docProps/core.xml"/>';
    $rels_xml .= '<Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="docProps/app.xml"/>';
    $rels_xml .= "\n";
    $rels_xml .= '</Relationships>';
    return $rels_xml;

buildWorkbookRelsXML() protected method

protected void buildWorkbookRelsXML ( )

                protected function buildWorkbookRelsXML()
    $i = 0;
    $wkbkrels_xml = "";
    $wkbkrels_xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
    $wkbkrels_xml .= '<Relationships xmlns="">';
    $wkbkrels_xml .= '<Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" Target="styles.xml"/>';
    foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet_name => $sheet) {
        $wkbkrels_xml .= '<Relationship Id="rId' . ($i + 2) . '" Type="" Target="worksheets/' . ($sheet->xmlname) . '"/>';
    $wkbkrels_xml .= "\n";
    $wkbkrels_xml .= '</Relationships>';
    return $wkbkrels_xml;

buildWorkbookXML() protected method

protected void buildWorkbookXML ( )

                protected function buildWorkbookXML()
    $i = 0;
    $workbook_xml = "";
    $workbook_xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n";
    $workbook_xml .= '<workbook xmlns="" xmlns:r="">';
    $workbook_xml .= '<fileVersion appName="Calc"/><workbookPr backupFile="false" showObjects="all" date1904="false"/><workbookProtection/>';
    $workbook_xml .= '<bookViews><workbookView activeTab="0" firstSheet="0" showHorizontalScroll="true" showSheetTabs="true" showVerticalScroll="true" tabRatio="212" windowHeight="8192" windowWidth="16384" xWindow="0" yWindow="0"/></bookViews>';
    $workbook_xml .= '<sheets>';
    foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet_name => $sheet) {
        $sheetname = self::sanitize_sheetname($sheet->sheetname);
        $workbook_xml .= '<sheet name="' . self::xmlspecialchars($sheetname) . '" sheetId="' . ($i + 1) . '" state="visible" r:id="rId' . ($i + 2) . '"/>';
    $workbook_xml .= '</sheets>';
    $workbook_xml .= '<definedNames>';
    foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet_name => $sheet) {
        if ($sheet->auto_filter) {
            $sheetname = self::sanitize_sheetname($sheet->sheetname);
            $workbook_xml .= '<definedName name="_xlnm._FilterDatabase" localSheetId="0" hidden="1">\'' . self::xmlspecialchars($sheetname) . '\'!$A$1:' . self::xlsCell(
                $sheet->row_count - 1,
                (is_countable($sheet->columns) ? count($sheet->columns) : 0) - 1,
            ) . '</definedName>';
    $workbook_xml .= '</definedNames>';
    $workbook_xml .= '<calcPr iterateCount="100" refMode="A1" iterate="false" iterateDelta="0.001"/></workbook>';
    return $workbook_xml;

convert_date_time() public static method

public static void convert_date_time ( $date_input )

                public static function convert_date_time($date_input) //thanks to (perl)
    $days = 0;    # Number of days since epoch
    $seconds = 0;    # Time expressed as fraction of 24h hours in seconds
    $year = $month = $day = 0;
    $hour = $min = $sec = 0;
    $date_time = $date_input;
    if (preg_match("/(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})/", $date_time, $matches)) {
        [$junk, $year, $month, $day] = $matches;
    if (preg_match("/(\d+):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/", $date_time, $matches)) {
        [$junk, $hour, $min, $sec] = $matches;
        $seconds = ($hour * 60 * 60 + $min * 60 + $sec) / (24 * 60 * 60);
    //using 1900 as epoch, not 1904, ignoring 1904 special case
    # Special cases for Excel.
    if ("$year-$month-$day" == '1899-12-31') {
        return $seconds;
    }    # Excel 1900 epoch
    if ("$year-$month-$day" == '1900-01-00') {
        return $seconds;
    }    # Excel 1900 epoch
    if ("$year-$month-$day" == '1900-02-29') {
        return 60 + $seconds;
    }    # Excel false leapday
    # We calculate the date by calculating the number of days since the epoch
    # and adjust for the number of leap days. We calculate the number of leap
    # days by normalising the year in relation to the epoch. Thus the year 2000
    # becomes 100 for 4 and 100 year leapdays and 400 for 400 year leapdays.
    $epoch = 1900;
    $offset = 0;
    $norm = 300;
    $range = $year - $epoch;
    # Set month days and check for leap year.
    $leap = (($year % 400 == 0) || (($year % 4 == 0) && ($year % 100))) ? 1 : 0;
    $mdays = [31, ($leap ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
    # Some boundary checks
    if ($year < $epoch || $year > 9999) {
        return 0;
    if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) {
        return 0;
    if ($day < 1 || $day > $mdays[$month - 1]) {
        return 0;
    # Accumulate the number of days since the epoch.
    $days = $day;    # Add days for current month
    $days += array_sum(array_slice($mdays, 0, $month - 1));    # Add days for past months
    $days += $range * 365;                      # Add days for past years
    $days += intval(($range) / 4);             # Add leapdays
    $days -= intval(($range + $offset) / 100); # Subtract 100 year leapdays
    $days += intval(($range + $offset + $norm) / 400);  # Add 400 year leapdays
    $days -= $leap;                                      # Already counted above
    # Adjust for Excel erroneously treating 1900 as a leap year.
    if ($days > 59) {
    return $days + $seconds;

countSheetRows() public method

public void countSheetRows ( $sheet_name '' )

                public function countSheetRows($sheet_name = '')
    $sheet_name = $sheet_name ?: $this->current_sheet;
    return array_key_exists($sheet_name, $this->sheets) ? $this->sheets[$sheet_name]->row_count : 0;

finalizeSheet() protected method

protected void finalizeSheet ( $sheet_name )

                protected function finalizeSheet($sheet_name)
    if (empty($sheet_name) || $this->sheets[$sheet_name]->finalized) {
    $sheet = &$this->sheets[$sheet_name];
    if (!empty($sheet->merge_cells)) {
        foreach ($sheet->merge_cells as $range) {
            $sheet->file_writer->write('<mergeCell ref="' . $range . '"/>');
    $max_cell = self::xlsCell($sheet->row_count - 1, (is_countable($sheet->columns) ? count($sheet->columns) : 0) - 1);
    if ($sheet->auto_filter) {
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<autoFilter ref="A1:' . $max_cell . '"/>');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<printOptions headings="false" gridLines="false" gridLinesSet="true" horizontalCentered="false" verticalCentered="false"/>');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<pageMargins left="0.5" right="0.5" top="1.0" bottom="1.0" header="0.5" footer="0.5"/>');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<pageSetup blackAndWhite="false" cellComments="none" copies="1" draft="false" firstPageNumber="1" fitToHeight="1" fitToWidth="1" horizontalDpi="300" orientation="portrait" pageOrder="downThenOver" paperSize="1" scale="100" useFirstPageNumber="true" usePrinterDefaults="false" verticalDpi="300"/>');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<headerFooter differentFirst="false" differentOddEven="false">');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<oddHeader>&amp;C&amp;&quot;Times New Roman,Regular&quot;&amp;12&amp;A</oddHeader>');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<oddFooter>&amp;C&amp;&quot;Times New Roman,Regular&quot;&amp;12Page &amp;P</oddFooter>');
    $max_cell_tag = '<dimension ref="A1:' . $max_cell . '"/>';
    $padding_length = $sheet->max_cell_tag_end - $sheet->max_cell_tag_start - strlen($max_cell_tag);
    $sheet->file_writer->write($max_cell_tag . str_repeat(" ", $padding_length));
    $sheet->finalized = true;

initializeSheet() protected method

protected void initializeSheet ( $sheet_name, $col_widths = [], $auto_filter false, $freeze_rows false, $freeze_columns false )

                protected function initializeSheet(
    $col_widths = [],
    $auto_filter = false,
    $freeze_rows = false,
    $freeze_columns = false
) {
    //if already initialized
    if ($this->current_sheet == $sheet_name || isset($this->sheets[$sheet_name])) {
    $sheet_filename = $this->tempFilename();
    $sheet_xmlname = 'sheet' . (count($this->sheets) + 1) . ".xml";
    $this->sheets[$sheet_name] = (object)[
        'filename' => $sheet_filename,
        'sheetname' => $sheet_name,
        'xmlname' => $sheet_xmlname,
        'row_count' => 0,
        'file_writer' => new XLSXWriter_BuffererWriter($sheet_filename),
        'columns' => [],
        'merge_cells' => [],
        'max_cell_tag_start' => 0,
        'max_cell_tag_end' => 0,
        'auto_filter' => $auto_filter,
        'freeze_rows' => $freeze_rows,
        'freeze_columns' => $freeze_columns,
        'finalized' => false,
    $sheet = &$this->sheets[$sheet_name];
    $tabselected = count($this->sheets) == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';//only first sheet is selected
    $max_cell = XLSXWriter::xlsCell(self::EXCEL_2007_MAX_ROW, self::EXCEL_2007_MAX_COL);//XFE1048577
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n");
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r="">');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<sheetPr filterMode="false">');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<pageSetUpPr fitToPage="false"/>');
    $sheet->max_cell_tag_start = $sheet->file_writer->ftell();
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<dimension ref="A1:' . $max_cell . '"/>');
    $sheet->max_cell_tag_end = $sheet->file_writer->ftell();
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<sheetView colorId="64" defaultGridColor="true" rightToLeft="false" showFormulas="false" showGridLines="true" showOutlineSymbols="true" showRowColHeaders="true" showZeros="true" tabSelected="' . $tabselected . '" topLeftCell="A1" view="normal" windowProtection="false" workbookViewId="0" zoomScale="100" zoomScaleNormal="100" zoomScalePageLayoutView="100">');
    if ($sheet->freeze_rows && $sheet->freeze_columns) {
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<pane ySplit="' . $sheet->freeze_rows . '" xSplit="' . $sheet->freeze_columns . '" topLeftCell="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '" activePane="bottomRight" state="frozen"/>');
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<selection activeCell="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '" activeCellId="0" pane="topRight" sqref="' . self::xlsCell($sheet->freeze_rows, 0) . '"/>');
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<selection activeCell="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '" activeCellId="0" pane="bottomLeft" sqref="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '"/>');
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<selection activeCell="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '" activeCellId="0" pane="bottomRight" sqref="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '"/>');
    } elseif ($sheet->freeze_rows) {
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<pane ySplit="' . $sheet->freeze_rows . '" topLeftCell="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '" activePane="bottomLeft" state="frozen"/>');
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<selection activeCell="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '" activeCellId="0" pane="bottomLeft" sqref="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '"/>');
    } elseif ($sheet->freeze_columns) {
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<pane xSplit="' . $sheet->freeze_columns . '" topLeftCell="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '" activePane="topRight" state="frozen"/>');
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<selection activeCell="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '" activeCellId="0" pane="topRight" sqref="' . self::xlsCell(
        ) . '"/>');
    } else { // not frozen
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<selection activeCell="A1" activeCellId="0" pane="topLeft" sqref="A1"/>');
    $i = 0;
    if (!empty($col_widths)) {
        foreach ($col_widths as $column_width) {
            $sheet->file_writer->write('<col collapsed="false" hidden="false" max="' . ($i + 1) . '" min="' . ($i + 1) . '" style="0" customWidth="true" width="' . floatval($column_width) . '"/>');
    $sheet->file_writer->write('<col collapsed="false" hidden="false" max="1024" min="' . ($i + 1) . '" style="0" customWidth="false" width="11.5"/>');

log() public static method

public static void log ( $string )

                public static function log($string)
        date("Y-m-d H:i:s:") . rtrim(is_array($string) ? json_encode($string) : $string) . "\n"

markMergedCell() public method

public void markMergedCell ( $sheet_name, $start_cell_row, $start_cell_column, $end_cell_row, $end_cell_column )

                public function markMergedCell($sheet_name, $start_cell_row, $start_cell_column, $end_cell_row, $end_cell_column)
    if (empty($sheet_name) || $this->sheets[$sheet_name]->finalized) {
    $sheet = &$this->sheets[$sheet_name];
    $startCell = self::xlsCell($start_cell_row, $start_cell_column);
    $endCell = self::xlsCell($end_cell_row, $end_cell_column);
    $sheet->merge_cells[] = $startCell . ":" . $endCell;

sanitize_filename() public static method

public static void sanitize_filename ( $filename )

                public static function sanitize_filename(
) { //
    $nonprinting = array_map('chr', range(0, 31));
    $invalid_chars = ['<', '>', '?', '"', ':', '|', '\\', '/', '*', '&'];
    $all_invalids = array_merge($nonprinting, $invalid_chars);
    return str_replace($all_invalids, "", $filename);

sanitize_sheetname() public static method

public static void sanitize_sheetname ( $sheetname )

                public static function sanitize_sheetname($sheetname)
    static $badchars = '\\/?*:[]';
    static $goodchars = '        ';
    $sheetname = strtr($sheetname, $badchars, $goodchars);
    $sheetname = substr($sheetname, 0, 31);
    $sheetname = trim(trim(trim($sheetname), "'"));//trim before and after trimming single quotes
    return !empty($sheetname) ? $sheetname : 'Sheet' . ((random_int(0, mt_getrandmax()) % 900) + 100);

setAuthor() public method

public void setAuthor ( $author '' )

                public function setAuthor($author = '')
    $this->author = $author;

setCompany() public method

public void setCompany ( $company '' )

                public function setCompany($company = '')
    $this->company = $company;

setDescription() public method

public void setDescription ( $description '' )

                public function setDescription($description = '')
    $this->description = $description;

setKeywords() public method

public void setKeywords ( $keywords '' )

                public function setKeywords($keywords = '')
    $this->keywords = $keywords;

setSubject() public method

public void setSubject ( $subject '' )

                public function setSubject($subject = '')
    $this->subject = $subject;

setTempDir() public method

public void setTempDir ( $tempdir '' )

                public function setTempDir($tempdir = '')
    $this->tempdir = $tempdir;

setTitle() public method

public void setTitle ( $title '' )

                public function setTitle($title = '')
    $this->title = $title;

styleFontIndexes() protected method

protected void styleFontIndexes ( )

                protected function styleFontIndexes()
    static $border_allowed = ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'];
    static $border_style_allowed = [
    static $horizontal_allowed = ['general', 'left', 'right', 'justify', 'center'];
    static $vertical_allowed = ['bottom', 'center', 'distributed', 'top'];
    $default_font = ['size' => '10', 'name' => 'Arial', 'family' => '2'];
    $fills = ['', ''];//2 placeholders for static xml later
    $fonts = ['', '', '', ''];//4 placeholders for static xml later
    $borders = [''];//1 placeholder for static xml later
    $style_indexes = [];
    foreach ($this->cell_styles as $i => $cell_style_string) {
        $semi_colon_pos = strpos($cell_style_string, ";");
        $number_format_idx = substr($cell_style_string, 0, $semi_colon_pos);
        $style_json_string = substr($cell_style_string, $semi_colon_pos + 1);
        try {
            $style = @json_decode($style_json_string, $as_assoc = true, 512);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $style = [];
        $style_indexes[$i] = ['num_fmt_idx' => $number_format_idx];//initialize entry
        if (isset($style['border']) && is_string($style['border'])) {//border is a comma delimited str
            $border_value['side'] = array_intersect(explode(",", $style['border']), $border_allowed);
            if (isset($style['border-style']) && in_array($style['border-style'], $border_style_allowed)) {
                $border_value['style'] = $style['border-style'];
            if (isset($style['border-color']) && is_string($style['border-color']) && $style['border-color'][0] == '#') {
                $v = substr($style['border-color'], 1, 6);
                $v = strlen($v) == 3 ? $v[0] . $v[0] . $v[1] . $v[1] . $v[2] . $v[2] : $v;// expand cf0 => ccff00
                $border_value['color'] = "FF" . strtoupper($v);
            $style_indexes[$i]['border_idx'] = self::add_to_list_get_index($borders, json_encode($border_value));
        if (isset($style['fill']) && is_string($style['fill']) && $style['fill'][0] == '#') {
            $v = substr($style['fill'], 1, 6);
            $v = strlen($v) == 3 ? $v[0] . $v[0] . $v[1] . $v[1] . $v[2] . $v[2] : $v;// expand cf0 => ccff00
            $style_indexes[$i]['fill_idx'] = self::add_to_list_get_index($fills, "FF" . strtoupper($v));
        if (isset($style['halign']) && in_array($style['halign'], $horizontal_allowed)) {
            $style_indexes[$i]['alignment'] = true;
            $style_indexes[$i]['halign'] = $style['halign'];
        if (isset($style['valign']) && in_array($style['valign'], $vertical_allowed)) {
            $style_indexes[$i]['alignment'] = true;
            $style_indexes[$i]['valign'] = $style['valign'];
        if (isset($style['wrap_text'])) {
            $style_indexes[$i]['alignment'] = true;
            $style_indexes[$i]['wrap_text'] = (bool)$style['wrap_text'];
        $font = $default_font;
        if (isset($style['font-size'])) {
            $font['size'] = floatval($style['font-size']);//floatval to allow "10.5" etc
        if (isset($style['font']) && is_string($style['font'])) {
            if ($style['font'] == 'Comic Sans MS') {
                $font['family'] = 4;
            if ($style['font'] == 'Times New Roman') {
                $font['family'] = 1;
            if ($style['font'] == 'Courier New') {
                $font['family'] = 3;
            $font['name'] = strval($style['font']);
        if (isset($style['font-style']) && is_string($style['font-style'])) {
            if (strpos($style['font-style'], 'bold') !== false) {
                $font['bold'] = true;
            if (strpos($style['font-style'], 'italic') !== false) {
                $font['italic'] = true;
            if (strpos($style['font-style'], 'strike') !== false) {
                $font['strike'] = true;
            if (strpos($style['font-style'], 'underline') !== false) {
                $font['underline'] = true;
        if (isset($style['color']) && is_string($style['color']) && $style['color'][0] == '#') {
            $v = substr($style['color'], 1, 6);
            $v = strlen($v) == 3 ? $v[0] . $v[0] . $v[1] . $v[1] . $v[2] . $v[2] : $v;// expand cf0 => ccff00
            $font['color'] = "FF" . strtoupper($v);
        if ($font != $default_font) {
            $style_indexes[$i]['font_idx'] = self::add_to_list_get_index($fonts, json_encode($font));
    return ['fills' => $fills, 'fonts' => $fonts, 'borders' => $borders, 'styles' => $style_indexes];

tempFilename() protected method

protected void tempFilename ( )

                protected function tempFilename()
    $tempdir = !empty($this->tempdir) ? $this->tempdir : sys_get_temp_dir();
    $filename = tempnam($tempdir, "xlsx_writer_");
    $this->temp_files[] = $filename;
    return $filename;

writeCell() protected method

protected void writeCell ( luya\yii\helpers\XLSXWriter_BuffererWriter &$file, $row_number, $column_number, $value, $num_format_type, $cell_style_idx )

                protected function writeCell(
    XLSXWriter_BuffererWriter &$file,
) {
    $cell_name = self::xlsCell($row_number, $column_number);
    if (!is_scalar($value) || $value === '') { //objects, array, empty
        $file->write('<c r="' . $cell_name . '" s="' . $cell_style_idx . '"/>');
    } elseif (is_string($value) && $value[0] == '=') {
        $file->write('<c r="' . $cell_name . '" s="' . $cell_style_idx . '" t="s"><f>' . self::xmlspecialchars($value) . '</f></c>');
    } elseif ($num_format_type == 'n_date') {
        $file->write('<c r="' . $cell_name . '" s="' . $cell_style_idx . '" t="n"><v>' . intval(self::convert_date_time($value)) . '</v></c>');
    } elseif ($num_format_type == 'n_datetime') {
        $file->write('<c r="' . $cell_name . '" s="' . $cell_style_idx . '" t="n"><v>' . self::convert_date_time($value) . '</v></c>');
    } elseif ($num_format_type == 'n_numeric') {
        $file->write('<c r="' . $cell_name . '" s="' . $cell_style_idx . '" t="n"><v>' . self::xmlspecialchars($value) . '</v></c>');//int,float,currency
    } elseif ($num_format_type == 'n_string') {
        $file->write('<c r="' . $cell_name . '" s="' . $cell_style_idx . '" t="inlineStr"><is><t>' . self::xmlspecialchars($value) . '</t></is></c>');
    } elseif ($num_format_type == 'n_auto' || 1) { //auto-detect unknown column types
        if (!is_string($value) || $value == '0' || ($value[0] != '0' && ctype_digit($value)) || preg_match(
        ) {
            $file->write('<c r="' . $cell_name . '" s="' . $cell_style_idx . '" t="n"><v>' . self::xmlspecialchars($value) . '</v></c>');//int,float,currency
        } else { //implied: ($cell_format=='string')
            $file->write('<c r="' . $cell_name . '" s="' . $cell_style_idx . '" t="inlineStr"><is><t>' . self::xmlspecialchars($value) . '</t></is></c>');

writeSheet() public method

public void writeSheet ( array $data, $sheet_name '', array $header_types = [] )

                public function writeSheet(array $data, $sheet_name = '', array $header_types = [])
    $sheet_name = empty($sheet_name) ? 'Sheet1' : $sheet_name;
    $data = empty($data) ? [['']] : $data;
    if (!empty($header_types)) {
        $this->writeSheetHeader($sheet_name, $header_types);
    foreach ($data as $i => $row) {
        $this->writeSheetRow($sheet_name, $row);

writeSheetHeader() public method

public void writeSheetHeader ( $sheet_name, array $header_types, $col_options null )

                public function writeSheetHeader($sheet_name, array $header_types, $col_options = null)
    if (empty($sheet_name) || empty($header_types) || !empty($this->sheets[$sheet_name])) {
    $suppress_row = isset($col_options['suppress_row']) ? intval($col_options['suppress_row']) : false;
    if (is_bool($col_options)) {
        self::log("Warning! passing $suppress_row=false|true to writeSheetHeader() is deprecated, this will be removed in a future version.");
        $suppress_row = intval($col_options);
    $style = &$col_options;
    $col_widths = isset($col_options['widths']) ? (array)$col_options['widths'] : [];
    $auto_filter = isset($col_options['auto_filter']) ? intval($col_options['auto_filter']) : false;
    $freeze_rows = isset($col_options['freeze_rows']) ? intval($col_options['freeze_rows']) : false;
    $freeze_columns = isset($col_options['freeze_columns']) ? intval($col_options['freeze_columns']) : false;
    $this->initializeSheet($sheet_name, $col_widths, $auto_filter, $freeze_rows, $freeze_columns);
    $sheet = &$this->sheets[$sheet_name];
    $sheet->columns = $this->initializeColumnTypes($header_types);
    if (!$suppress_row) {
        $header_row = array_keys($header_types);
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<row collapsed="false" customFormat="false" customHeight="false" hidden="false" ht="12.1" outlineLevel="0" r="' . (1) . '">');
        foreach ($header_row as $c => $v) {
            $cell_style_idx = empty($style) ? $sheet->columns[$c]['default_cell_style'] : $this->addCellStyle(
                json_encode(isset($style[0]) ? $style[$c] : $style)
            $this->writeCell($sheet->file_writer, 0, $c, $v, $number_format_type = 'n_string', $cell_style_idx);
    $this->current_sheet = $sheet_name;

writeSheetRow() public method

public void writeSheetRow ( $sheet_name, array $row, $row_options null )

                public function writeSheetRow($sheet_name, array $row, $row_options = null)
    if (empty($sheet_name)) {
    $sheet = &$this->sheets[$sheet_name];
    if ((is_countable($sheet->columns) ? count($sheet->columns) : 0) < count($row)) {
        $default_column_types = $this->initializeColumnTypes(array_fill(
            $from = 0,
            $until = count($row),
        ));//will map to n_auto
        $sheet->columns = array_merge((array)$sheet->columns, $default_column_types);
    if (!empty($row_options)) {
        $ht = isset($row_options['height']) ? floatval($row_options['height']) : 12.1;
        $customHt = isset($row_options['height']) ? true : false;
        $hidden = isset($row_options['hidden']) ? (bool)($row_options['hidden']) : false;
        $collapsed = isset($row_options['collapsed']) ? (bool)($row_options['collapsed']) : false;
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<row collapsed="' . ($collapsed) . '" customFormat="false" customHeight="' . ($customHt) . '" hidden="' . ($hidden) . '" ht="' . ($ht) . '" outlineLevel="0" r="' . ($sheet->row_count + 1) . '">');
    } else {
        $sheet->file_writer->write('<row collapsed="false" customFormat="false" customHeight="false" hidden="false" ht="12.1" outlineLevel="0" r="' . ($sheet->row_count + 1) . '">');
    $style = &$row_options;
    $c = 0;
    foreach ($row as $v) {
        $number_format = $sheet->columns[$c]['number_format'];
        $number_format_type = $sheet->columns[$c]['number_format_type'];
        $cell_style_idx = empty($style) ? $sheet->columns[$c]['default_cell_style'] : $this->addCellStyle(
            json_encode(isset($style[0]) ? $style[$c] : $style)
        $this->writeCell($sheet->file_writer, $sheet->row_count, $c, $v, $number_format_type, $cell_style_idx);
    $this->current_sheet = $sheet_name;

writeStylesXML() protected method

protected void writeStylesXML ( )

                protected function writeStylesXML()
    $r = $this->styleFontIndexes();
    $fills = $r['fills'];
    $fonts = $r['fonts'];
    $borders = $r['borders'];
    $style_indexes = $r['styles'];
    $temporary_filename = $this->tempFilename();
    $file = new XLSXWriter_BuffererWriter($temporary_filename);
    $file->write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . "\n");
    $file->write('<styleSheet xmlns="">');
    $file->write('<numFmts count="' . count($this->number_formats) . '">');
    foreach ($this->number_formats as $i => $v) {
        $file->write('<numFmt numFmtId="' . (164 + $i) . '" formatCode="' . self::xmlspecialchars($v) . '" />');
    //$file->write(		'<numFmt formatCode="GENERAL" numFmtId="164"/>');
    //$file->write(		'<numFmt formatCode="[$$-1009]#,##0.00;[RED]\-[$$-1009]#,##0.00" numFmtId="165"/>');
    //$file->write(		'<numFmt formatCode="YYYY-MM-DD\ HH:MM:SS" numFmtId="166"/>');
    //$file->write(		'<numFmt formatCode="YYYY-MM-DD" numFmtId="167"/>');
    $file->write('<fonts count="' . (is_countable($fonts) ? count($fonts) : 0) . '">');
    $file->write('<font><name val="Arial"/><charset val="1"/><family val="2"/><sz val="10"/></font>');
    $file->write('<font><name val="Arial"/><family val="0"/><sz val="10"/></font>');
    $file->write('<font><name val="Arial"/><family val="0"/><sz val="10"/></font>');
    $file->write('<font><name val="Arial"/><family val="0"/><sz val="10"/></font>');
    foreach ($fonts as $font) {
        if (!empty($font)) { //fonts have 4 empty placeholders in array to offset the 4 static xml entries above
            $f = json_decode($font, true, 512);
            $file->write('<name val="' . htmlspecialchars($f['name']) . '"/><charset val="1"/><family val="' . intval($f['family']) . '"/>');
            $file->write('<sz val="' . intval($f['size']) . '"/>');
            if (!empty($f['color'])) {
                $file->write('<color rgb="' . strval($f['color']) . '"/>');
            if (!empty($f['bold'])) {
                $file->write('<b val="true"/>');
            if (!empty($f['italic'])) {
                $file->write('<i val="true"/>');
            if (!empty($f['underline'])) {
                $file->write('<u val="single"/>');
            if (!empty($f['strike'])) {
                $file->write('<strike val="true"/>');
    $file->write('<fills count="' . (is_countable($fills) ? count($fills) : 0) . '">');
    $file->write('<fill><patternFill patternType="none"/></fill>');
    $file->write('<fill><patternFill patternType="gray125"/></fill>');
    foreach ($fills as $fill) {
        if (!empty($fill)) { //fills have 2 empty placeholders in array to offset the 2 static xml entries above
            $file->write('<fill><patternFill patternType="solid"><fgColor rgb="' . strval($fill) . '"/><bgColor indexed="64"/></patternFill></fill>');
    $file->write('<borders count="' . (is_countable($borders) ? count($borders) : 0) . '">');
    $file->write('<border diagonalDown="false" diagonalUp="false"><left/><right/><top/><bottom/><diagonal/></border>');
    foreach ($borders as $border) {
        if (!empty($border)) { //fonts have an empty placeholder in the array to offset the static xml entry above
            $pieces = json_decode($border, true, 512);
            $border_style = !empty($pieces['style']) ? $pieces['style'] : 'hair';
            $border_color = !empty($pieces['color']) ? '<color rgb="' . strval($pieces['color']) . '"/>' : '';
            $file->write('<border diagonalDown="false" diagonalUp="false">');
            foreach (['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'] as $side) {
                $show_side = in_array($side, $pieces['side']) ? true : false;
                $file->write($show_side ? "<$side style=\"$border_style\">$border_color</$side>" : "<$side/>");
    $file->write('<cellStyleXfs count="20">');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="true" applyBorder="true" applyFont="true" applyProtection="true" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="164">');
    $file->write('<alignment horizontal="general" indent="0" shrinkToFit="false" textRotation="0" vertical="bottom" wrapText="false"/>');
    $file->write('<protection hidden="false" locked="true"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="1" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="1" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="2" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="2" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="1" numFmtId="43"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="1" numFmtId="41"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="1" numFmtId="44"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="1" numFmtId="42"/>');
    $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="true" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="1" numFmtId="9"/>');
    $file->write('<cellXfs count="' . (is_countable($style_indexes) ? count($style_indexes) : 0) . '">');
    //$file->write(		'<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="false" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="164" xfId="0"/>');
    //$file->write(		'<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="false" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="165" xfId="0"/>');
    //$file->write(		'<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="false" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="166" xfId="0"/>');
    //$file->write(		'<xf applyAlignment="false" applyBorder="false" applyFont="false" applyProtection="false" borderId="0" fillId="0" fontId="0" numFmtId="167" xfId="0"/>');
    foreach ($style_indexes as $v) {
        $applyAlignment = isset($v['alignment']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $wrapText = !empty($v['wrap_text']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $horizAlignment = $v['halign'] ?? 'general';
        $vertAlignment = $v['valign'] ?? 'bottom';
        $applyBorder = isset($v['border_idx']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $applyFont = 'true';
        $borderIdx = isset($v['border_idx']) ? intval($v['border_idx']) : 0;
        $fillIdx = isset($v['fill_idx']) ? intval($v['fill_idx']) : 0;
        $fontIdx = isset($v['font_idx']) ? intval($v['font_idx']) : 0;
        //$file->write('<xf applyAlignment="'.$applyAlignment.'" applyBorder="'.$applyBorder.'" applyFont="'.$applyFont.'" applyProtection="false" borderId="'.($borderIdx).'" fillId="'.($fillIdx).'" fontId="'.($fontIdx).'" numFmtId="'.(164+$v['num_fmt_idx']).'" xfId="0"/>');
        $file->write('<xf applyAlignment="' . $applyAlignment . '" applyBorder="' . $applyBorder . '" applyFont="' . $applyFont . '" applyProtection="false" borderId="' . ($borderIdx) . '" fillId="' . ($fillIdx) . '" fontId="' . ($fontIdx) . '" numFmtId="' . (164 + $v['num_fmt_idx']) . '" xfId="0">');
        $file->write('	<alignment horizontal="' . $horizAlignment . '" vertical="' . $vertAlignment . '" textRotation="0" wrapText="' . $wrapText . '" indent="0" shrinkToFit="false"/>');
        $file->write('	<protection locked="true" hidden="false"/>');
    $file->write('<cellStyles count="6">');
    $file->write('<cellStyle builtinId="0" customBuiltin="false" name="Normal" xfId="0"/>');
    $file->write('<cellStyle builtinId="3" customBuiltin="false" name="Comma" xfId="15"/>');
    $file->write('<cellStyle builtinId="6" customBuiltin="false" name="Comma [0]" xfId="16"/>');
    $file->write('<cellStyle builtinId="4" customBuiltin="false" name="Currency" xfId="17"/>');
    $file->write('<cellStyle builtinId="7" customBuiltin="false" name="Currency [0]" xfId="18"/>');
    $file->write('<cellStyle builtinId="5" customBuiltin="false" name="Percent" xfId="19"/>');
    return $temporary_filename;

writeToFile() public method

public void writeToFile ( $filename )

                public function writeToFile($filename)
    foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet_name => $sheet) {
        $this->finalizeSheet($sheet_name);//making sure all footers have been written
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
        if (is_writable($filename)) {
            @unlink($filename); //if the zip already exists, remove it
        } else {
            self::log("Error in " . self::class . "::" . __FUNCTION__ . ", file is not writeable.");
    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    if (empty($this->sheets)) {
        self::log("Error in " . self::class . "::" . __FUNCTION__ . ", no worksheets defined.");
    if (!$zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE)) {
        self::log("Error in " . self::class . "::" . __FUNCTION__ . ", unable to create zip.");
    $zip->addFromString("docProps/app.xml", $this->buildAppXML());
    $zip->addFromString("docProps/core.xml", $this->buildCoreXML());
    $zip->addFromString("_rels/.rels", $this->buildRelationshipsXML());
    foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet) {
        $zip->addFile($sheet->filename, "xl/worksheets/" . $sheet->xmlname);
    $zip->addFromString("xl/workbook.xml", $this->buildWorkbookXML());
    );  //$zip->addFromString("xl/styles.xml"           , self::buildStylesXML() );
    $zip->addFromString("[Content_Types].xml", $this->buildContentTypesXML());
    $zip->addFromString("xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels", $this->buildWorkbookRelsXML());

writeToStdOut() public method

public void writeToStdOut ( )

                public function writeToStdOut()
    $temp_file = $this->tempFilename();

writeToString() public method

public void writeToString ( )

                public function writeToString()
    $temp_file = $this->tempFilename();
    $string = file_get_contents($temp_file);
    return $string;

xlsCell() public static method

public static void xlsCell ( $row_number, $column_number, $absolute false )

                public static function xlsCell($row_number, $column_number, $absolute = false)
    $n = $column_number;
    for ($r = ""; $n >= 0; $n = intval($n / 26) - 1) {
        $r = chr($n % 26 + 0x41) . $r;
    if ($absolute) {
        return '$' . $r . '$' . ($row_number + 1);
    return $r . ($row_number + 1);

xmlspecialchars() public static method

public static void xmlspecialchars ( $val )

                public static function xmlspecialchars($val)
    //note, badchars does not include \t\n\r (\x09\x0a\x0d)
    static $badchars = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x7f";
    static $goodchars = "                              ";
    return strtr(
        htmlspecialchars((string) $val, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_XML1),
    );//strtr appears to be faster than str_replace